Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day 2012

It's that time of year.  This history of Halfway to St. Patrick's Day, stems from Arthur Day. It was originally named after Arthur Guinness. This wee holiday grew as the halfway point in the year until St. Patrick's Day, the holy Irish holiday. It's a great time to remember your Celtic culture and show your passion for Celtic music.

I don't have a gig this year for Halfway to St. Patrick's Day, but I'm excited to hear that my friends Jasper Coal are performing tonight at the Stillwater Pub. So if you're looking for some great Celtic music in Birmingham, Alabama. Head on over there at 9pm tonight. You won't be sorry.

I probably should've put together a Halfway to St. Patrick's Day Podcast. In fact, maybe I'll do that tonight when I work on my next Pub Songs Podcast.

If you're looking for some great Celtic music for the day, check out these great Celtic music resources:

Check out the Celtic podcasts particularly. There are a LOT of awesome shows out there.

Have an awesome Halfway to St. Patrick's Day and maybe next year I'll have my own show. Slainte!