Hobbit Drinking Songs, Coffee Returns, Dragon Con

So far things are going pretty well for Dragon Con 2020. I had several shows. They were fairly well-attended. We made some tips, sold some CDs, and even made a few new fans!

Wednesday was the Brobdingnagian Bards Dragon Con Pre-Show Concert with the Filk Music Track. It was a fun show. We worked some technical difficulties and had an upbeat rockin' performance.

This was in place of the show we had to cancel as a group two weeks ago. I played solo. I feel like that was sort of a best of performance with regard to the song picks. Good show. Though listening back, I realized there was a technical issue I did not know about. Also I was a bit stressed because the Bards had to cancel an hour before the show began. Ahhh!

On Friday, the Brobdingnagian Bards  had an Official Show with the Filk Music Track. The attendance wasn't as high at 4 PM eastern. But it was an awesome show. And I felt like we successfully performed live in time with one another even though we are halfway across the country from each other. Big props to Andrew McKee for making that happen!

That evening Firefly Drinking Songs was streamed on Dragon Con TV. That was a REALLY big deal. When I logged on there, were over 300 people watching it. I received a bunch of emails for the Firefly Hymnal. And I keep seeing posts on Facebook about how much the Browncoats LOVE my concert. And specifically loved THIS show! That just warms my  heart.

Yesterday, I had a solo show with the Dragon Con Filk Music Track as part of the official convention. It was a helluva fun show. Plus, I got many emails to receive the Sci F'Irish Hymnal. That got me a bunch of new subscribers to my mailing list. As I've said many times, my mailing list is my most-important resource. So thank you for subscribing!

And there are still shows to go.

Hobbit Drinking Songs with Brobdingnagian Bards is tonight at 8:30 PM through the Dragon Con High Fantasy Track.

Tomorrow afternoon, I have a show at 2 PM through the Dragon Con Digital Media Track.

Plus, there are two workshops. One today, the other tomorrow.

The Hobbit Drinking Songs is typically one of our biggest concerts of Dragon Con. Hundreds of people show up usually. Will it happen this time?

It's tough to say because this will NOT be on Dragon Con TV. Instead, it'll be on the High Fantasy Track's YouTube channel. And there's no easy way to access it or find it UNLESS you're a Lord of the Rings fan. I'm expecting smaller attendance. But I expect them to be passionate and make for a fun show!

Coffee with The Celtfather Returns This Thursday

Coffee with The Celtfather comes back this Thursday at noon. Yes. That's the new day and time for the 6th season. The show streams once again on YouTube. But I will make sure to go on FB earlier in the morning to announce the show.

But if you don't want to miss the show, make sure you click this link. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and my mailing list.

Because I will email everyone who wants to be reminded about the Coffee shows on the morning of IF you are subscribed to my mailing list AND you have clicked that link specifically.

Otherwise you might miss the news!

Facebook will not reliably let you know.

New Single on Tuesday

Tuesday marks the beginning of single season. I have a new single coming out every 1-2 weeks through January. A new mix of “Whiskey in the Jar” featuring Andrew McKee, the Irish Bard, on recorder comes out on September 8th.

On Hobbit Day, September 22, you will enjoy the release of “Brandywine River Reel” that I recorded with Sam Gillogly. You can hear it right now through a video I recorded with my running friends. We got dressed up for the Dragon Con Parade that happens every Saturday of the convention. And we went running in costume. The video is called Lords of the Run. Watch it now.

Thank you so much for all of your support.

Marc Gunn, The Celtfather

PS. I have THREE new specials in my store for Dragon Con. Use your Marc Musings coupon code to save 15% off anything in my store.

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