Hobbit Drinking Songs Tomorrow Night!

Happy Hobbit Day!

Today is September 22. That's the day of Bilbo Baggins' big birthday bash (I'm not abashed to say it). I'm celebrating by preparing for tomorrow's internet concert–Hobbit Drinking Songs.

I sometimes wonder if I should do this show more frequently than once a year, around Hobbit Day. But right now, that's it.

I have a solid 45-60 minute set of songs inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's amazing books, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.

Unlike at Dragon Con, where the show ends and we are told we need to clear the room quickly, this is a full-length show. Plus, I'll sing a few of your happy song requests afterward.

The livestream starts at 8 PM Eastern. It'll start streaming about 15 minutes before that. Tickets are $8.

But as a subscriber to this newsletter, you can use the discount code to save 15%. If you're in the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon, then you can save a full 25%.

Buy your Hobbit Drinking Songs tickets right now.

Then let me know, how are you celebrating Hobbit Day today?

May the hair on your feet forever curl!
Marc Gunn, The Celtfather

PS. Tomorrow at noon, I am also singing Irish songs for Coffee with The Celtfather on all the channels.

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