How I Dream of Flying

Last night, I dreamed of flying. It is a dream that has been recurring for several months now.. I don't remember most of the details. However, I do remember it was a lot like scuba diving. I had the ability to levitate and fly by regulating my breathing. And last night, I was teaching someone how else to fly too, by breathing.

That struck a chord when I was telling someone about it today–control your breathing and you can fly.

What fascinating thought.

At the end of every yoga class, Anna, my instructor would guide us through pranayama, which is basically the art of breathing. I always hated those, but I accepted and appreciated them because I trust my instructor to guide me well. But this takes on a new level. If I learn to breath, I can fly.

Maybe not in the literal sense, but the idea of breathing to experience life to its fullest is powerful. Anna talks about it time and time again that during the day we forget to breathe. Yet, it is one of the most-healing tools we have as humans.

A while back, my Grandma was having trouble thinking and getting weaker until she was put on oxygen. The trouble was she wasn't getting oxygen to her brain. We need it. It heals us. It guides us. It makes us feel.

Those were the thoughts that accompanied me home today as I plugged in my iPod and played a bunch of songs I compiled in a playlist yesterday that I titled “Spiritually Wow”. It was list of songs that move me. I haven't listened to the entire list yet, but “Open” performed by Serious Kitchen was on that list. The lyrics to “Open” are below:

by Mike Scott

Open to the world
open to spirit
open to the changing wind
open to touch
open to nature
open to the world within
open to change
open to adventure
open to the new
open to love
open to miracles
open Beloved to You

Open to learn
open to laughter
open to being blessed
open to joy
open to service
open to saying “Yes !”
open to risk
open to passion

I have a lot that I feel. It's what inspired me to record A Tribute to Love. It's what guides me to write and share music. And I guess it's also what makes me dream of flying.

Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read news. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.