How Was Your Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day ?

There must be some subconscious thought dancing in my brain this morning.  I turned on Gael Day by The Elders for Kenzie and me to listen to.  Lo and behold, it's also the latest album review posted on the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine website.  I quite enjoyed the CD myself, especially their rendition of “Galway Girl”.

Yesterday was Halfway to St. Patrick's Day.  Each year, this growing “holiday” kicks off on September 17th, six months til St. Patrick's Day.  Last year, I released the first episode of the St. Patrick's Day Podcast.  This year, I was much less productive this year.

I am working with Nikki O'Shea to finish the graphics for Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits.  I hope to send the album to the printers on Monday.

Yesterday was also my one day of family time with Gwen and Kenzie.  We went to the Pepper Place Market and saw a great Celtic duo, Fiddlin' in the Parlor.  I hope to book my own gigs at the market in the future.

Consequently, I totally spaced on Halfway to St. Patrick's Day.  But I added it to my calendar to book something locally next year.  I didn't even get to see Jasper Coal.  I heard they had a gig yesterday.

I remember looking up who started this event last year.  I *think* it was Guinness, but this year I can't find a website to confirm that.  Do you have any information on it?

What did you do for your Halfway to St. Patrick's Day celebrations?