If Ireland Were Filled with Dragons, What Color Would They Be?

Oklahoma Ren Faire is over. Next up… Ireland. One week to go.

— Quote of the Week: “Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln. I always loved that quote. And it's close to my heart.

— Song of the Week: “Carey” by Joni Mitchell from Blue (new feature)
I'm not sure why I love this song. I heard the song from a friend in my first year with the Bards. My love of the song was reinvigorated by my friends Jamie and Katie. It's a wonderfully visual song filled with world travel and passion.

— I climbed to #6 on the ReverbNation folk charts, and I'm getting a lot more demands on Eventful. Since I am doing more solo shows, I'm happy to see that.

— I don't like charging for my music. I love giving it away. And I've had a few new creative ideas for doing just that for people who join my street team. Look for exclusive CDs if you're on my Street Team.

— Finally posted a new MarcSongs Podcast. The song, “When the Dairy Farm Caught Fire“, seems to be well-received. It's even getting some podcast-play.

— My second cat CD, Whiskers in the Jar, is now in the mail. I really hope it arrives at the end of this week. I can't wait. I have a CD release scheduled for the Summer Solstice at Things Celtic. I still hope to do other releases… if I can find a place in Louisiana, I'd like to do one there… maybe Dallas too as I seem to be getting a few more demands there. Though not sure where offhand. I'd love some help.

— I am nearly done mixing my CD, What Color Is Your Dragon? Folk Music with Delusions of Grandeur. That'll be my fourth solo CD to come out this year. Wow! From there, I'm hoping to start back to regular MarcSongs Podcasts. I want weekly podcasts of free music downloads and maybe finish an instrumental CD, as well.

Going for Brogue arrived this week. The CDs are at CDBaby. I'm just waiting for them to process it. But you can get more CDs for your money if you pre-order it now.

— The Renaissance Festival Podcast is now up-to-date. Hope to get another show out this week.

— “I'll Tell My Cat” from Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers was featured on The Fump and Dr. Demento.

— Check me out on Myspace, SoundClick, Demand a Show on Eventful, Wikipedia, Facebook, Livejournal, Sonicbids, and DeviantArt. And if you'd like a CD…


Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.