Imagining a World Unable to Play Music

I spent much of today working on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. It was a slow process because of my wrist problem. The pain that started in October and has persisted on and off since then was really bad the past couple days. So today I laid off the computer as much as possible and stretched. It is feeling better.

Much like when I had eye surgery and I imagined myself as a blind autoharper, today, I imagined what I would do if I got carpal tunnel or injured my hand so bad that I couldn't play music or work on a computer. My life would change dramatically. I might even have to get a real job!

That does not sit well with me. So I will try and spend less time on the computer over the next few days so I can heal up for the weekend at LARF. And again, stretching. The pain seems to originate from my back. So more stretching should help that.

Fortunately, I planned a trip to New Orleans tomorrow to see if I can find a place to live for the next six months or so. Then maybe by Friday I can spend my time picking music for the Celtic Christmas special of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast and promoting my CDs for Christmas. All the while not working too hard.

Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.