Know the Rules Before You Break Them

Father daughter
I love the English language. I love writing. I'm pretty decent at grammar even if I'm a lousy editor. I know exactly when to use “they're” vs. “their”. So if there is a mistake when I'm writing, it is usually intentional.

If I use “because” at the beginning of a sentence I do it as a marketing technique. If I put a comma after quotes, it's because I think that that formatting rule is stupid and should be changed. If I use single spaces between sentences online instead of double spaces, it's because that is the protocol online (because HTML didn't handle double spacing well until recently).

The point is, I know the rules. And I love breaking them.

Unfortunately, I think that's about to change… for a while at least.

Gwen pointed out one of my speaking habits I used in front of Kenzie. I don't remember which one it was, but it was improper English.

Personally, I want my daughter to learn proper English… so she can break the rules too, when the time comes. When the time comes!

I guess I need to clean up my vocal grammar. As for the written. Not a chance. Because I like it this way.

3 comments on “Know the Rules Before You Break Them

    • @Danny I don’t remember what it was. But no, it wasn’t a regional dialect. It was just me butchering the language. 🙂

  1. LOL! You too with the two spaces after punctuation? I took a typing class in 1987 (9th grade). The habits learned there never really left me and I have been stuck with the 2 spaces after the period since. I have noticed that online it has never been the norm to use 2 spaces. But… my thumb refuses to cooperate when I tried to make the switch.

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