Learn 8 Ways to Promote Your Celtic Community

If you are a regular reader of our monthly ezine (subscribe for free), you know I've spent the last year on a Celtic Crusade trying to inspire folks to get involved in their Celtic community. With just one month until St. Patrick's Day, I'd like to kick that mission into overdrive.

Supporting our community is important. It is one of the reasons why the Celts have flourished around the world. Because we are involved. We interact. We support one another.

Earlier this year, I wrote a blog called “How Can You Get Involved in 2011?” for my fans and for fans of bands. Many of these same tips are useful for people who want to get involved in their community.

However, here are a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Join the board of your local Celtic non-profit organization.
  2. Volunteer to work at your local Celtic festival.
  3. Help a board member organize and promote an upcoming event.
  4. Do you know Gaelic? Share your gift by teaching workshop on the basics of speaking the language.
  5. Pass out fliers about your your Celtic community at a St. Patrick's Day celebration (make sure to ask permission if it's at a pub).
  6. Got a special talent? Donate your talents to your community. It doesn't have to be Celtic related. Just share.
  7. Promote your favorite band.
  8. Attend a live Celtic music show.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the topic.

Are you a member of your local Celtic non-profit?

How do you get involved?

Marc Gunn “The Celtfather” is an indie acoustic Celtic folk musician–-Celtic music, the Traditional and the Twisted–and Chief Editor of the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine. He fun his own record label, Mage Records, which rusn the Celtic Music CD Store. Gunn is a champion of indie Celtic music and has given away over ten million MP3s through his music and podcasts since he began his Celtic music career in 1999. His Irish & Celtic Music Podcast won “Best Podsafe Music” two years in a row in the Podcast Awards and is one of the most-popular music podcasts on iTunes.