Go do a search for a band you love. More than likely that band's homepage will be the #1 search result. The reason for this is that search engines loves links.
Links show how important a website is. Even without a decent title to the website, that site can become the most-popular page for a search result if enough people link to it.
So if you haven't done so yet, add a link to your favorite band's homepage on your website, blog, or even social network page. That simple link could at last make their site #1 with the search engines.
Marc Gunn “The Celtfather” is an acoustic Celtic folk musician–-Celtic music, the Traditional and the Twisted–and Chief Editor of the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine. Gunn is a champion of indie Celtic music and has given away over ten million MP3s through his music and podcasts since he began his Celtic music career in 1999. His Irish & Celtic Music Podcast won “Best Podsafe Music” two years in a row in the Podcast Awards and is one of the most-popular music podcasts on iTunes.