Do you want to sample my music? Happily, there are a whole bunch of streaming websites where you can listen. You'll find a list. But here are my top 3 suggestions:
- Listen in my store on Bandcamp. No strings attached. You can listen to albums start to finish for Free! There's even a free app to listen.
- Follow the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon for behind-the-scenes access and bonus songs you can download.
- Listen to my free Pub Songs & Stories podcast. I will take you behind the scenes with my music. It's the second best way to find out what's new with my music (after signing up to my mailing list).
Listen. Have fun. Sing along!

Podcasts are a great way to share information and entertain you. I have four active podcasts, but I've created over a dozen. You will enjoy literally hundreds of hours of music and entertainment on this page by me and other podcasters.
Podcasters and Gunn Runners can share my music as long as you credit me and my website. You don't have to you contact me to do so. But please email me once it's been played. Because I want to tell my fans about you and your show!
Here's the latest list of my podcasts.
Pub Songs & Stories
This is the audio liner notes for my music. I will take you on an adventure. I share the stories behind my songs as we explore pop culture media through the lens of Irish & Celtic music. Plus, I keep you up-to-date of things happening in my music career.
You will have fun and sing along, and maybe get a far too real glimpse of yourself.
Listen to Pub Songs & Stories. Subscribe.
Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
This is by far my most-popular podcast. The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is an award-winning free radio show of independent Irish & Celtic music.
The show won “Best Podsafe Music” in 2009, 2010, and 2017, 2022 in the Podcast Awards. It is one of the Top music podcasts on Apple Podcasts.
Each hour-long show features a mix of indie Celtic music with a variety of styles from traditional Celtic tunes, Irish drinking songs, Scottish folk songs, bagpipes, music from Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Australia, the United States, and around the world. As a podcast, you can listen to or download at your leisure. It is also syndicated.
Listen to Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Are you subscribed yet?
Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast
One of the things people love most about a Brobdingnagian Bards show is the interaction between Andrew McKee and me. The Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast, also known as A Brobdingnagian Minute, brings that interaction to the forefront.
Sure, we chat about what's new. But it's the fun interplay between us that makes this show so amazing. Plus you find out what's new with us as a band and as individual musicians.
How long is a Brobdingnagian minute anyway? Listen to Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast.
Celtic Invasion Vacations: Travel Ireland, Scotland, & Beyond
Every year, he takes Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. They don't see everything. But they get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can hear some of those adventures, stories, interviews, and music right here.
Travel with Marc Gunn on an audio adventure as you hear stories and music from his Celtic Invasion Vacations as well as interviews with musicians from Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
Listen to Celtic Invasion Vacations podcast.
Find more podcasts here.
Short-Run Podcasts
All of these podcasts were created as special features on various topics. Sometimes new episodes come out. But for the most part, these are frozen in time!
In the ‘Verse
Browncoats and Geek musicians Marc Gunn and Mikey Mason rewatch episodes of Firefly to find themes and inspiration for crafting songs inspired by Joss Whedon's cult classic TV series.
Welcome to In the ‘Verse. We love writing songs about Firefly. So we're gonna podcast how we write songs. Browncoats are creative people. So we want you involved in the creative process.
Cat Lovers Podcast
Do you love cats? I started this podcast to promote my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers, but it kinda grew beyond that featuring cat news, humour, stories, health tips and much more.
Subscribe to Cat Lovers Podcast.
Celtic Christmas Music
Every few days from the beginning of December until Christmas, the Celtic Christmas Podcast shares with you the Christmas music and entertainment from various Celtic podcasts online. This podcast features a wealth of Celtic Christmas craic for your holiday pleasure. Please help spread the holiday joy by sharing the podcast with your fellow Celts.
Listen to the Celtic Christmas Music.
St. Patrick's Day Podcast
The newest of Marc's Celtic podcast series. This show is a 7-part special feature on St. Patrick's Day and great independent Celtic music. It started Halfway to St. Patrick's Day on Sept 17, 2010 and will conclude on St. Patrick's Day 2011. The goal is to provide you with a mostly talk-free show that you can add into rotation for your St. Patrick's Day celebrations.
Listen to St. Patrick's Day Podcast.
MarcSongs's Podcast
I started this podcast with the intent to feature just Irish songs. But I got carried away and decided to open it up to all my music. Once a week, you can download a free 128kbps MP3. Course if you enjoy it, I just ask that you consider buying an album or buy the upgraded 192kbps MP3 file.
Renaissance Festival Podcast
Ever been to a Renaissance Festival? This show highlight artists performing at Renaissance festivals each week. It also hosts the annual Renaissance Festival Awards. I started the show in 2005. I no longer run, but it's still a fantastic podcast.
How I Got Into Podcasts
It was 2005 when I was listening to the DragonPage WingingIt and The Signal Podcast (Firefly) and fell in love with podcasts. That's when the addiction began. I recorded a podcast in March, but scraped it. A couple months later, the bug hit me again, and I recorded the Cat Lover's Podcast. It was fun and easy to produce. So I started the Renaissance Festival Podcast. The next thing I knew I had a half a dozen podcasts and new ones pop up all the time.
How I Record My Podcasts
I get a lot of people asking how I do the podcasts. Here's how.
Folks Playing Marc Gunn Music
Podcasts That Play My Music
- Acynfulmind's Podcast
- Adam Curry's Daily Source Code
- Antecubital Liposuction
- Artist Empowerment Radio
- Aspire
- AstralAudioExperience
- ATC Pagan Information Network
- AtriumCast WizardRock Style
- AudioAttitude / Procrasticast
- Average Joe Radio
- BartyCast
- Belle of the Ball
- Blog Oklahoma Podcast
- Boise and Beyond
- Cat Lovers Podcast
- Catholic:Under The Hood – Disciples with Microphones
- Celtic Myth Podshow
- Coal Cracker Radio
- Comedy 365
- Communicando Podcast
- Contrabass Conversations
- cross and canvas
- Dear Sigmund, Don't Panic
- Deliberate Noise
- DigiVegas Indie Podcast
- Dollars: Dog of Privilege
- Dragon Page Cover to Cover
- DUI: Discourse Under the Influence
- Eclectic Mix
- farfromthepulse
- FurryTV
- GDs Bite Size Bonus
- Get Jacked
- Get Your Own 30 Minute Show on The UKs Premier Business Radio Station
- Giant View
- Gomem Show
- Guy In A Tie
- Hawaiian Shirt Show
- Heaven and Hell
- Holistic Economy
- Homecast Show
- I Wish I Had This Show in Real Life
- Information Salad
- Insomnia Radio
- In the Dark
- Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
- It's a Frog's Life Acoustic Podcast
- Joss'd
- KidsCast UK/ KidsCastSCiFi
- King County Law Library Sidebar
- Knitter with Critters
- Knitting time together
- KnitTunes
- Lance and Graal Podcast
- Life Science Nexus Podcast
- Little Reds Writing Hood
- Live With Raine
- Living West of Dingle
- LoveHouse Radio
- MacCast
- Manic Mondays
- Marc Gunn's Pub Songs Podcast
- MarcSongs Podcast
- Mat – on- NutCast
- Michael and Evo's WingingIt!
- Michael Angel's Cosmic Grab Bag
- Middle-Earth Minutes
- Mischief and Mayhem
- Misfits Audio Production
- MSB's Podcast
- Much To Do About Nothing
- Musician's Cooler
- My Baby Monsters children's story sharing, storytelling, old time radio show podcast
- My Pocket Player – Mój odtwarzacz
- Naked Brain Studios & Pandemic Podcasts
- New Age Podsafe Music
- NorthVoice Indie Podcast
- Not Picture Perfect
- Nursing Studio
- Old Toby
- One Tree Hill Podcast
- Open Mike Insert Foot
- Ourplace Music Show
- Paul and Lynn Show
- Pagan Musings
- Painful Addictions
- Paquines Son Comics
- Pod Playlist
- Podcast of Awesome
- Podcast Ping
- Podrophenia
- Podsafe Comedy Countdown
- Podshow Radio
- Poltercast
- Power Ogg
- Procrasticast
- PubCastItalia
- Rag-Nerd-Rok
- Random Fandom
- RDF Underground
- Recovering Fundamentalists
- Renaissance Festival Podcast
- Robotech Defence Force Undergrwound
- Scents of Magic Podcast
- Shaman Drums
- Skinny White Boy KastPod
- Skyline Podshow
- Slice of Sci Fi
- Snark Infested Waters
- Steve Simons Today
- Studio 3 – Schwul Dabei
- Suffering From Sanity
- Supernatural Existence
- Switch on the Code
- Syndicast
- Tea Lovers Room TeaCast
- Team K Online
- The And Now…
- The Autumn Lake Podcast
- The Bears Grove
- The Blue Jeans Guy
- The Cbrocker Show
- The Crafty Woman
- The Chronic Rift
- The David Tanny Show
- The Eclectic Review
- The Everyday Show with PB
- The Funny Music Project
- The Geek Wedding's Podcast
- The Glocal Family
- The Gigcast
- The High Fiber Diet Podcast
- The Island of the Voices
- The Kahn Man's Comedy Corner
- The Lumpcast
- The Magical Earth
- The Multiple Sclerosis Blog Podcast
- The Musicians Cooler
- The Murder at Avedon Hill
- The ScotchCast
- The Second Floor Lounge
- The Signal – Firefly Podcast
- The Tarot Connection
- The TheDean Show
- The Tone Deaf Radio Show
- The Traveling Juke Joint
- The Write Stuff
- The Jeunessedoree's Podcast
- This Pagan Place
- Truth and Hope Report
- Uncle Warrens Attic
- Virtual Yooper
- Wander Radio
- Way of the Geek
- Whiskers in a Twisted Stitch
- World of Fantasy Podcast
- X Pat Radio
- Yarnspinners Tales
- You Can't Make It Up!
- Xens Show
- ZimmCast
last updated March 13, 2010
Internet Radio Stations
- Celtic Radio
- DFSX Radio
- Dr. Demento
- IRFT Celtic Radio
- Merry Melodies with Goody
- Mad World Radio
- Mostly Folk on WPRI
- Radio Rivendell
- Ren Radio
- Shannon O'Neill Memorial Celtic Music
- SoundClick Stations
- Steel Cage Radio
- One Night at McSorley's
- Whole Wheat Radio
last updated
U.S. Radio Stations
- ARIZONA, Tucson- KXCI 91.3 FM – “Betsi's B&B”
- LOUISIANA, Baton Rouge – WRKF 89.3 – “Hootenanny Power“
- NEW JERSEY, Teaneck – WFDU-FM – “The Session”
- NEW MEXICO, Taos – KTAOS – “Celtic & Beyond”
- NEW YORK, Fredonia – WCVF-FM – “General Eclectic“
- OREGON, Portland – KPSU 98.1FM – “The Raggle Taggle Gypsy”
- TEXAS, Austin – KOOP 91.5FM – “Celtic Storm“
- TEXAS, College Station – KEOS 89.1 FM
World Radio Stations
- CANADA, Winnipeg, Manitoba – CKJS 810 AM – “Prairie Ceilidh,” Lyle Skinner –
- CANADA, Sudbury, Ontario – CKLU 96.7FM – “And Now…”
last updated