Living the Life of a Geek!

A gal came up to me today and said she was looking forward to see my show. But her boyfriend who came last year wouldn't be there.

“Oh. Had to work or something,” I asked.

“No,” she said, “just not leaving the house.”

At this point, I nodded my head in understanding.  Even at GenCon probably the most geeky of conventions filled with gamers, who like to stay at home and game, there are a bunch of people who just aren't gonna make it out this weekend. And that's cool. I could never judge anyone. I'm a total introvert. I LOVE my alone time. Right now, I *should* be out watching the Damsels of Dorkington, but alas, my geekiness, loserness has gotten the better of me. And I'm FINE with that!

So instead I sit in my room, watching Men in Black and Family Guy, living the life of a geek. Aw yeah!

Oh and of course, occasionally catching up on emails or other work… like getting people to submit entries for the “Why I like Marc Gunn's music contest” or asking people “pretty please, would you rate my iMix.”

Bed time soon for another day at GenCon and another rockin' show!