Love with a Language Barrier

by Marc Gunn, December 30, 2004

Spending time alone with a million beautiful people and things to see, I couldn't help but write love poetry inspired by bella Italia.

Cercando for l'amore
without walls;
Love that is friendship
and amore,
Passion and romance
Holding each other on Roman walls,
Hearing heartbeats
Like thunder in my ears
Drumming in ritmo with the world.

A piece of existence
Born and borne on the back
of a grey and white horse,
Racing across la pianura
Finding safety, security, and
un po' pazza
in blades of grass
that grace her feet.

Give me a kiss
Beneath the brilliant
blue skies del rinasciamento
And the Gothic sighs
of angels
weeping at the passing
of a mystery.

Our pens scrive insieme
But kilometers apart
Ma they write…
They write the same worlds
in different words.
Una lingua insieme
Un heart as one
Sotto the fading sun
Of una camera cold and and uncaring.