Many, Many, Kind Thanks

Thank you,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

This past week was crazy. My wife and I had our first child-free weekend celebrating her birthday. It was an almost perfect vacation. I'll talk more about on it on Celtfather Music & Travel podcast next week.

Thankfully, we are home with our girls. We had a kind and delicious Thanksgiving with our family. We had a delightful post-dinner walk in the woods. We shared Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark with our girls for the first time. It was a great Thanksgiving.

In any case, I ran out of time to write and thank you for supporting my music.

So thank you.

For your kindness.

For your generosity.

Thank you!

I thought about putting together some outrageously cool Black Friday thing in my store. But I decided instead to just thank you for listening and sharing my music so that I can keep making a living with it after 16 years.

I have several more podcasts coming just in time for Christmas, including a story from Loreena McKennitt and some Celtic Christmas performances.

I hope you can join me for some Christmas fun.

Slainte mhaith!


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