Marc Gunn at Dog & Duck for Ren Gathering

This coming Saturday will be the Austin AARG. Marc Gunn will be appearing as well as William Toohey with his pipes. Half Seven at the Dog & Duck corner of 17th and Guadalupe! Come Early! Be Loud! Stay Late and Wear Garb!

The Central Texas Rennies meet once a month when faire isn't in session at the Dog & Duck Pub in Central Austin. It's organized by Moon Dawg, and if you enjoy Renaissance festivals like I do, then don your garb and come enjoy the social gathering.

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Marc Gunn @ 7:30pm
The Dog & Duck Pub
406 W 17th St
Austin, TX 78701

Be sure to check out the new Renaissance Festival Podcast Compilation while you're there.