Marc Weeklies: A Toast to Opportunity

Just one more week of the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. I'm not ready for it to end. I've had such a wonderful season here. However, I am kinda ready to find my new home and settle in it so I can start recording again. Plus, I want a good place to work so I don't continue hurting my wrist.

To that end, I bought a wireless keyboard and mouse. Just plugged it in. I'm typing with it for the first time. I really hope this helps solve those problems. With any luck the wrist pains will disappear quickly. Meanwhile, I have a LOT of catch up to do, including a new Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. So I'll get back to that now. Slainte!

This Week:

— Quote of the Week: “If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle

— CD of the Week: The (re)Reunion Tour by Separated at Birth. Traditional tunes on the hammered dulcimer with guitar and bouzouki, played in a traditional style, but with a twist (three vocals, too).

— Toasts Wanted. So I've added toasts to my stage show at LARF. The problem is I want some good unique toasts to share. I notice almost immediately that people seem to use the same ones over and over again. Have a toast you wouldn't mind sharing?

Marc Gunn Homepage Updated. I spent a little time last week updating my homepage with the bare essentials. Dop by and give it a look.

Join the Sunset Connoisseurs Society (or whatever you want to call it). is now the new home of fans of my music. It is tentatively called “Sunset Connoisseurs Society”, but that might change. You can help me name the fan club and get free access until Christmas. So sign up now, then start and/or join the conversation. You'll also get discounts on CDs, first crack at special items, freebies, and plenty more. Meantime, don't forget that Thursdays are the official meeting. Go watch the sun set wherever you are around the world!

— Featured at I Still Get Demented Podcast Edition, Our place, Abbey's Cast, C.R.O.W. for Cats, Bad Astronomy, West Words, The Scotchcast, Seattlejo, The Chronic Rift, Idyllic Dreams, A Virtual Hobby Store and Coffee Shop

Celtic Christmas Music. I'm building a wee website with info about Celtic Christmas music. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

— Article: Cats Need Plenty of Water with their Food.

— Reviews: “For Love And Laughter” by Solas, “O Mo Chroi” by Ciara Considine, “The Heroic Adventures Of Angus Mohr” by Angus Mohr

Celtic Invasion of Italy. Two new spots opened up. Contact me ASAP if you want to join.

Louisiana Renaissance Festival. I finally scored a show each day during the faire. The shows will be at 10:45am. It's a Celtic Sing-Along. There's just one show a day. The rest of the time, I am performing at the wine and whiskey tastings. I also plan to play at the front gate on Sundays. So look for me!

— Check me out on Myspace, SoundClick, Demand a Show on Eventful, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, Livejournal, Sonicbids, and DeviantArt. And if you'd like a CD…


— Do you have a quote, movie, album, tip or suggestion that you'd like to share in my Weeklies? If so, post a comment with your suggestion here.

Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.