Marc Weeklies: DragonCon Ends, Recovery Begins

DragonCon is over. Wow, what a great weekend! This was probably the most-relaxed DragonCon I've done. We had some incredible shows, and I had more fun than ever. Now we're taking our annual repose outside of Atlanta. I slept twelve hours last night. I'm feeling nicely recovered to catchup on work. I'll post more DragonCon thoughts in a wee bit. But for now, the weeklies.

This Week:

— Quote of the Week: “I hope to always have more taste than money.” Jamie Haeuser.

— Stop. Breathe. Listen to “Stardust Serenade”. Relax a moment.

— CD of the Week: Real Men Wear Kilts by Brobdingnagian Bards. Our new CD was released this weekend at DragonCon. Aside from a typographical error and not remembering who took the photo (Thanks to Jen Clower-Brown who did take that picture), it seems a great success so far. You can pre-order your copy now. They won't be available on CD Baby for another month, but I'll have your copy in the mail when I get off tour in a couple weeks.

IMG_4185_f800_rawDragonCon Twittered. I sent a lot of Twitters while at DragonCon. That was good because I had virtually no internet access for the weekend. But I had plenty to do nonetheless.

— I'm thankful to hear that Gustav lightened up before hitting New Orleans. Most of my friends seem to be okay after the storm.

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast show #55 made it out right before I left for Atlanta. Already getting a ton of great feedback. I can't believe how many people came up to me at DragonCon and told me how much they love the podcast. I think I might talk to the Podcast Track about doing a live show next year.

— Mur Lafferty's book Playing for Keeps climbed to #13 on the Amazon book charts. How amazing is that for an indie author!!!!!

— Think I'll catch up on some Netflix movies online while I'm relaxing. I think I can watch most of Dead Like Me there. W00t!

Cats for Obama. My cats are voting for him too. 🙂

— The winners of the 2007 Renaissance Festival Hall of Fame are now live. Still hoping to have a website dedicated to them, but hasn't happened yet. Also should have the 2008 Renaissance Festival Award nominations going live very, very soon.

Upcoming Shows. This Friday, we're in South Carolina performing at an Irish pub. Saturday, we return to Apex, North Carolina for a house concert. Contact the venues for more details.

— Check me out on Myspace, SoundClick, Demand a Show on Eventful, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, Livejournal, Sonicbids, and DeviantArt. And if you'd like a CD…


— Do you have a quote, movie, album, tip or suggestion that you'd like to share in my Weeklies? If so, post a comment with your suggestion.

Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.