Marc’s Musings: A Hobbit, 2 Magicians, & a Werewolf

A hobbit, two magicians, and a werewolf walk into a pub…

Okay. I'm bad at jokes. So you'll have to make up and tell me the punch line. But I do have a lot to tell you about that's happening this week. Let's start with the hobbits.


The next Celtfather Live concert is scheduled. It is a Hobbit Drinking Songs show on Thursday, September 23 at 8 PM Eastern. Yeah. It's the day AFTER Hobbit Day. But it's close!

Buy your tickets right now. They are just $8.

From a fun live concert at Dragon Con and Gen Con, Hobbit Drinking Songs comes straight into your living room.

We'll sing songs inspired by JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings. We'll go on a pub crawl until we're drunk with song. I have a full set of hobbit songs to sing you, including a brand new song, then I'll take your requests.

Patrons in the Gunn Runners Club save 25%.

See you in Hobbiton!


There's a new Pub Songs & Stories podcast that comes out today at noon. You'll hear how Empty Hats rewrote a traditional, off color song about magicians for a modern age.

I also give you the background for my song “My Father Was A Werewolf“. It was filked from Redhill Hats song of the same name. But not by me…

Find out more subscribe on your favorite podcatcher so you don't miss the episode.


First, let me allay any fears about my recent trip to Dragon Con. I took TWO Covid tests. Both came back negative. I plan to take the same precautions I did at Dragon Con when I go to Gen Con this week.

I drive up to Indianapolis for the convention on Wednesday. I have a LOT of shows scheduled. The evening shows are all sold out. So I hope to see more fans at the C/W Stage when I'm busking. I have a bunch of shows there. You can see my complete Gen Con schedule here. I hope to see you there.

I'm singing Irish songs for Coffee with The Celtfather. If you have any song requests, please email me ASAP. Because I'm gonna have to pre-record this show, because I don't think I'll be able to do it live at Gen Con. I have a LOT of busking shows planned at that time.


Thanks as always for your support. A big thank you to all of the amazing people in my Gunn Runners Club on Patreon. I hope you enjoyed my new song I released yesterday. 🙂

Marc Gunn, The Celtfather