MARC'S MUSINGS — August 11, 2008
– Marc's Music News
– 4-Hour Work Week
– New CD: What Color Is Your Dragon?
– GenCon and DragonCon
– Twitter
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Marc's Musings
I started reading a book yesterday called The 4-Hour Work Week. Wouldn't it be great to work just four hours a week, earn what you are earning now, and get to do the things you do?
It has me thinking about changes that I want in my life, like seeing more of Europe, making more music, and being more in the present. I must say I've a lot on my mind right now. But I'll only touch on a little of that in this Musings.
I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I have a new CD out. I know you're, thinking, I haven't picked up a copy of Whiskers in the Jar yet (okay, I'm hoping your thinking that if you haven't bought it already). But yes, I have a brand new CD out called What Color Is Your Dragon?.
This latest edition to my maddening music schedule of recordings features a bunch of folk songs about some of my favorite fandoms like Lord of the Rings, Bugs Bunny, Firefly, Star Wars, Dr. Who, and Harry Potter. Most of the songs are completely original, but there are a couple gems written by others like “The Lusty Young Sith” and “My Father Was a Werewolf”. And if you're not into the cat songs, then this album is definitely for you. But I hope cat lovers will still enjoy my voice and unique musical style as well.
In other news…
I am preparing to move from my apartment. So I'm clearing out a bunch of stuff and posting it for sale on my merch page. If you'd like some cool stuff from used DVDs to leather pouches and who knows what (I sold a Venetian mask last week), keep an eye on the webpage. I have a LOT of stuff that I need to unload.
I have a brand new song that you can download for free on the MarcSongs Podcast. It is called “Monahan's Mudders Milk“. It's a song I wrote based on Firefly and everyone who's heard it has loved it as much as I do.
My CD releases for Whiskers in the Jar went great. Sadly, they are all over. However, I have a bunch of shows this month with the Brobdingnagian Bards.
Aug 13, 2008
Studio Joe
Little Rock, AR
Aug 14-17, 2008
Gen Con
Indianapolis, IN
A week after that, and we are on our way to Atlanta, Georgia for another fantastic year at DragonCon. Yes, that was a surprise for me too. So we WILL be at DragonCon.
We'll also have several house concerts on the way back. I don't have the details yet, but if you're on eventful or just keep an eye on my website, I'll let you know as soon as I know..
TWITTERWhat is Twitter? Twitter is a service for friends and family to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?
I tried my best to avoid signing up to it. But someone told me how I could use it effectively. Basically, I could send out a notice when and where our shows were at DragonCon and voila. I tried out the site. Now I just find it kinda cheesily fun.
So if you too are on Twitter and would like to find out what I'm doing as I'm doing it, start following my Twitter.
Many blessings. Drop me a line and say, “hello”. Slainte!
– Marc Gunn
Quick Links to Marc Gunn
- MarcSongs Podcast
- Marc Gunn's Pub Songs Podcast
- Renaissance Festival Podcast
- Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
- SONG HENGE – the Celtic Music Archive
- Brobdingnagian Bards
About Marc Gunn
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Marc Gunn is Celtic Geek songwriter from Austin, Texas with a strange affinity for ballads, Irish drinking songs, acoustic Alternative Folk, podcasting, Sci Fi, and cats.
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