Marc’s Musings: Facebook Is Down… Thanks!

Facebook went down today. As of this writing, it's still not back up. So let me start by saying, THANK YOU for subscribing to my mailing list, reading my blog, and listening to my podcasts!

I learned the hard way that you can't count on third-party systems for your business. My first Renaissance faire closed down because the land they were renting became too expensive.

I experienced something similar on in 2001. Record labels wanted a piece of the money being made. They couldn't get it. So they burned it to the ground.

That's what happens when you rely on giant corporations who make You the Product.

Since then, I have always had a mailing list. I have always had a website. They are the backbone of everything I do online. You can go to my website. You will find podcasts, songbooks, albums, mp3s, stories, pictures, videos, everything you could possibly want to know about me and my music.

I released a new episode of Pub Songs & Stories today. If you're not subscribed to the podcast, you could miss out on that fun episode.

I tell one of my stories of “Johnny Jump Up.” The Brazilian Celtic band Harmundi have their own fun story about a tune they wrote.

You might also miss out on getting tickets to my Firefly Drinking Songs show on October 21.

You might not hear about how musicians might survive the decimation of CDs on Celtfather Music & Travel.

You might not hear that there's a new episode of In the ‘Verse Songwriting or my preparations to launch the Celtic Christmas Podcast for 2021.

Fortunately, you're subscribed to this newsletter. You won't miss out on the news I have to share.

So again… thank you.

Thank you for listening and sharing.

I REALLY appreciate it.

Drop me a line. Let me know how you're doing.


#marcsmusings #celtfathernews