Marc’s Musings: Star of the County Down

There's a lot going on. Let me quickly lay it all out.


Star of the County Down and how a great melody found its way into an obscure hymn. Troosers vs trousers and a double meaning in a great mashup of songs.

I feel like I'm getting better at producing these podcasts. But it's hard to tell on my own. What do you think of the show?

Listen to Pub Songs & Stories #231.


You can still download the MP3 of the Month for May. It is free right here.

The song is “Johnny Jump Up”.  It was recorded on that episode back in January.

That was a cool episode. You got to hear Celtic Metal band Tuatha De Dannan perform their version of “Jaysus Jump Up” as well.

And of course, I sing on their song too!!!

Check out that St Patrick’s Day Gift.


Most of the people who don't do streaming tell me that they like having a hard copy. I still remember the horror stories when iTunes asked you to sync your catalog and half of it either disappeared or duplicated. I was so glad I never did that.

I get it. I have a HUGE catalog of music. It would suck to lose ANY of it. Some tracks are irreplaceable.

That's one of the reasons I decided to put my music on USB. It's a quick, simple, and easy way to store all of my music.

But have you tried to autograph a USB?

I tried once. It was stupid.

Plus, a USB is great for storing music, even playing it on your computer. But it's not easy to learn more about the albums. So I have a new test idea.

I created the Cats n Celts Booklet to accompany the Cats n Celts USB. It lists all of the tracks from my primary albums. It also includes the stories that led to the creation of each of these albums.

Personally, I think this is a great idea.

But as with most things, I'm gonna leave it up to those who buy it. And if it's successful, perhaps I'll print one for Rise of The Celtfather USB as well.

Get your Cats n Celts USB and Booklet here.


Imagine your favorite CD cover as a sticker. That's CD sticker art. But CD Baby made it a little cooler by adding download codes to the back side.

I absolutely loved this idea. So I bought a bunch of these CD art stickers. But I could never figure out how to market and sell them.

Now I have about ten albums of CD Sticker Art that I never sold. That's about to change. I uploaded Whiskers in the Jar as the first ones. You can buy the digital downloads in my store and for just $2 more, you can get the sticker art as well.

Plus, you'll get a download code that you can give to a friend.

Get your Whiskers in the Jar Sticker art here.


I've done a few blogs over the past month that might (or might now) interest you.

The first is one I wrote for musicians. I started using the GTD (Getting Things Done) system last year to better organize myself. It helped immensely. Especially with booking.

Find out to book gigs as a musician using GTD.

The second blog I wrote was about the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon. I'm trying to figure out how to focus my promo efforts. Should I try to sell more CDs, get more tips, or Patreon?

Diminished sales at recent shows have me reconsidering the promo strategy I started 20 years ago. It's time for a change.

You can read more about why here.


Last Thursday I had a free concert with the Dragon Con Filk Music Track. It was a good show. You can watch the replay here.

I had a fun sci fi set list. That’s something I hadn’t created in a while. I do so many CF Live shows and Coffee with The Celtfather shows. But it’s been a while since I had a con show.

What made this extra special was the show I recorded the day after for Con Carolinas. They asked me to pre-record a show for the virtual part of their convention. I used a similar set list. But it was better organized. It told a better story.

I’m really curious how well it will perform. Will I make a few new fans? I can’t wait to see the result during the first week of June.

Speaking of online shows and June…

The next Celtfather Live show is scheduled for June 17 at 8 PM ET. Tickets are $8 and will go on sale in a couple weeks.

Thanks for keeping up with my music. I hope you're well.
