Marc’s Weeklies – “Happy Songs of Death” Film Shoot, from the Big Easy to the Big Apple and Fan Power

Hi, all – Jamie again – because Marc's computer is fritzing – what I didn't tell him is that I sabotaged it so I could write the weeklies again.

Well, not really but it got your attention, huh?

Shooting a music video outdoors on the 5th of July in Louisiana is…kind of like making “Lawrence of Arabia” – hot, sandy, sticky (but no Peter O'Toole – *sigh*). Thank goodness for Joe and Gena, PA's what am, Charles Davis, cinematographer extraordinaire, and the fabulous Tom Zadoyko – of the Buckle and Swash Show, catch them at the Great Lakes and Michigan Renaissance Festivals this summer, and Katie Haeuser, now staff at Playmakers of Baton Rouge. Then there was this musician guy who kept inserting himself into all the scenes…Seriously, we made a music video of “Won't You Come With Me,” one of my favorite songs on “Happy Songs of Death.” We did storyboards and shot lists and everything, just like real purr-fessionals. It's going to be either really funny and wonderful or just awful – but if the passion and creativity and stick-to-it spirit of all the participants is a measure, it will be the former. Watch for it around the official release date of the CD, August 20.

The Fourth of July was the last day to pre-order “Happy Songs of Death,” and now that I have so many of you clamoring for the green chile stew recipe, I guess I'd better write it down.

Plans for the July/August tour are about wrapped up, and I am happy to announce TWO dates in New York City – at the An Beal Brocht in the Bronx on August 1, and Ceol Irish Pub in Brooklyn on August 3 – see below for details. So we are expecting all you Stonybrook/ICon people out for these shows!

To fill in weekdays between gigs, Marc has asked me to organize some meet-ups in the DC/Virginia/Maryland area. Please let me know if you have a favorite coffee house or similar location where you would like to help host a meeting with Marc. You can get your copy of “Happy Songs” autographed.

And let me say again how important each of you is to Marc's music and his success. He really does draw great energy from you. I can't WAIT for you to hear “Happy Songs,” and wait until you hear the next CD, too!

Peace and love-


Listen to the Song of the Week: “Jasper Tabby Kitty Cat-y” from Live at the Cactus Cafe: Cat Songs and Celtic Music

CD of the Week: Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer Gleowien A fresh take on tradtional ballads and songs blended witht the self penned tunes in a traditional style.

Book of the Week: Delta Blues: The Life and Times of the Mississippi Masters Who Revolutionized American Music. Author Ted Gioia says in his preface, “My attraction to traditional blues was no doubt fueled by my growing dissatisfaction with the oberpowering commercialization and commoditization I encountered elsewhere in the music world. Traditional blues' stubborn allegiance to its own guiding lights, its resistance to corporate interference, its blissful ignorance of music videos and trendy radio formats, its affirmation of its own inexpressibly rich heritage…” sounds like an indy musician.

Quote of the Week: “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.”- Thomas Jefferson

Review these iMixes: Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. I've started messing with iMixes on iTunes as a promotional tool. I could really use your help. Go post review. And if you like some of the music, pick up a copy. It's filled with some of the songs and tunes from my extensive catalog of Celtic music.

UPCOMING GIGS. Don't forget to make a demand to see me perform. Want me to see where I plan to tour this summer?

7.8 (NEW ORLEANS, LA) Neutral Ground Coffeehouse
7.11 (COVINGTON, LA) Etoile Restaurant
7.25 (RESTON, VA) Fogel House Concert
7.30 (DENTON, MD) Market Street Public House
8.1 (BRONX, NY) An Beal Bocht Cafe
8.3 (BROOKLYN, NY) Ceol Irish Pub
8.5 (GREENBELT, MD) New Deal Cafe
8.12-16 (INDIANAPOLIS, IN) GenCon
9.4-7 (ATLANTA, GA) DragonCon
9.16-23 (DINGLE, IRELAND) Celtic Invasion of Ireland
10.23-25 (DENVER, CO) MileHiCon
10.30 (NEW ORLEANS, LA) Anne Rice's Vampire Lestat Fan Club's “Blood and Gold” Ball
11.7-12.13 (ROBERT, LA) Louisiana Renaissance Festival
1.16.10 (NEW ORLEANS, LA) Concert with Jed Marum

Check me out on Sunset Connoisseurs Society, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, SoundClick, Demand a Show on Eventful, Wikipedia, Livejournal, Sonicbids, and DeviantArt. And if you'd like a CD…

Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.