Mr. Smith Goes to the Hospital – A Fast Fund Raiser for a Fast Filker

From Jean Prior:

Tom Smith, rightfully billed as the World's Fastest Filker… for those of you who don't know, Weird Al could be considered a filker, if part of the definition includes taking an existing tune and writing new lyrics for it… was recently laid up by a rather nasty fall that tore up his leg and will have him out of commission until the fall. Tom's medical bills are probably going to wind up larger than the GNP of a small country without oil reserves, and he unfortunately has no medical insurance, because getting to cons and performing for people like us and selling his music is his actual day job.

To that end, a lot of us Dementia sorts are trying various fundraisers, and the biggest and baddest and best one is available at You not only get a chance to donate, but you get FREE MUSIC for doing so, including covers of Tom's songs from all the coolest kids in the filk and dementia circles, even a crappy cover I did for the heck of it! Buy Tom's stuff, donate, get free music, what's wrong with this picture?!?

Nothing, that's what. 🙂

If you can help, please do. Every little bit matters.

Tom is an amazing person, and to add a personal note, he went above and beyond the call of duty when we were caught by an internet scam last year. He was brilliant. I really hope you will consider helping out an incredible musician in need.