Music For A Wedding

I drove to Houston last night for the wedding of one of my best friends, Stacy. She asked me to play a song in the wedding too–“Frog Kissin'“. The problem… I forgot my autoharp!

I don't know how I forgot it. So don't ask. I was really spacey. For some reason, I grabbed my laptop instead of my autoharp. Bizarre.

It worked out well enough despite the prob. A couple more musician friends of Stacy's were there–Chelle Murrey and Paul Martinez. Paul was kind enough to not only let me play his guitar, but horde it for about an hour and a half before the wedding so I could learn to play “Frog Kissin'” on the guitar.

Normally changing songs from autoharp to guitar isn't that big a deal. It's just chords. But “Frog Kissin'” has one of the weirder chord progressions that I play. So I practiced in the cold outdoor hair for quite while.

The wedding started and somehow I stumbled through the song with only a couple minor screw ups that I don't think anyone really noticed thanks to the humor of the song and the dancing of the bride, groom, and audience. But I think I'll stick to the autoharp for now.