My Show at the Kerry Irish Pub in Review

The show last night at the Kerry Irish Pub went great. It was a last minute booking and yet a bunch of fans and friends showed up to make my first gig in New Orleans as resident a smashing success. Thanks to all who came out!

I surprisingly played three hours solo. I made a few new fans in the process. The owner expressed interest in having me back in February. So here's hoping.

I gotta say that I have the coolest between sets music. Instead of the house putting on music, I plugged in my iPod and hit random on a set list I made of music from Song Henge. Lots of Great music from the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Listening last night and I couldn't help but be proud of the groups I've pulled together for the podcast. It rocked. I should do a Celtic DJ event some time.

There was one mistake that I've seen repeatedly though that I thought I'd draw attention to. It is in regards to my Irish Drinking Songs: The Cat Companion CD. I LOVE the cover by Molly C. Loar, it's beautiful, but I kinda wonder if I should scratch subtitle from the cover.

While I thought it was fun and clever and all that, it's one of my less popular CDs, mainly because cat lovers want the cat songs, which it is not, and Celtic music lovers don't always want cat songs. I think the CD is misrepresenting itself. Which sucks, because I love the CD.

It is, in fact, an album of Irish Drinking Songs… or more particularly, Celtic songs, since they are not all Irish. So would a simple change of the cover, removing the subtitle to the trick? I don't know, but I think I'm gonna give it a try with the next run.

Now that that first show is done, I'm gonna start looking for more. Maybe something a little more intimate, earlier in the evening and shorter too. Meantime, back to the podcasts…

Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.