New Bonuses Added to My Fundraising Project

With 17 days to go, the fundraising for my Celtic Music Is Freedom album seems to have stalled at 11%. Is it a timing thing? A rewards thing? Or something else?

Well, it turns out that's okay because a few days ago, I got a copy of my performance at the California Autoharp Gathering on DVD. That was a great show. I keep thinking I want to release a DVD to sell, but I want something longer. This show is about 30 minutes, 8 songs I think. Since I don't know when I'll be able to do anything with it, I decided I'm gonna add it in as a new Level. You can get a copy of the DVD and get a copy of the CD for just $50.

Keep an ear open. I hope to release another track from the album very very soon.

Please, please share and help me cover the expenses of this album. Thank you!