NEW CD – You Can Sponsor Kilted For Her Pleasure

Hello. I'm Marc. I'm a music recording-aholic.

In January, I released The Bridge. For me, that is probably the best album I've ever done. It features so many great songs that I've written and some of my favorite traditional Celtic songs as well. And “Peggy Gordon”… Ahhh! I still think that is the best performance I've ever done on a recording…ever… Did I say “ever”?

However, I was hoping to release several albums this year. One, I thought would be great for Sci Fi Conventions and Renaissance festivals. It is an album of Celtic Comedy music called Kilted For Her Pleasure. Yes, that is the same name of the t-shirts I released last year with tremendous success.

I was flying back from Italy when that phrase hit me. When I landed in Chicago, I told my friend and t-shirt designer Christian of Lunatic Fridge about it. He loved it too and said he'd design something.  I didn't think any more about it until a couple months later when a box arrived on my doorstep filled with the new t-shirts.

However, it was the music that really got me excited about this project. The track list was continually changing as I found several new comedic songs I wanted to record. Time and money were against me though. I really didn't expect to finish this album any time soon.

Lo and behold, in January, I was finally able to set aside some time and record. I wasn't aiming for a life-changing CD. I didn't expect this album would be nominated for a Grammy. I just wanted to record. But I was pleasantly surprised when I finished it. The album was… fun!

Fun. Yup. That's the best description. Yet, it wasn't completed immediately. In early February, I was listening and listening and listening to my rough recordings. Something was missing. I needed another kilt song. I needed something else to bring the album together.

As I was coming back from a gig, a little joke came to mind. The joke was on the non-kilt wearers. They don't quite get it. Ever since I started seriously wearing a kilt in 1999, I did. Women love kilts! That was the basis of my song.

I wrote it and recorded the song “Kilted For Her Pleasure” immediately. A week later I played it at shows. It was an instant hit.

Nearly two months later and the song is still one of my new favorites to play… in the proper environment. It is a bit risque after all.

Now with a CD title called Kilted For Her Pleasure, you'd think that the whole album was risque. It is not. Again, it is Celtic Comedy. However, a few risque songs made their way on to the album. One, a great Scottish folk song I learned from Ewan MacColl called “Maid Went to the Mill”. It's catchy and upbeat.

Another song I first heard in a folk club in Islington, England when I went there after my Celtic Invasion of Ireland last September. The song was sung a cappella. I didn't even have the name when I left the club. I just wrote down a couple lyrics I heard that evening. Then I came home and researched it. It was called “The Mower”. I think mine is one three recordings. But it's a beautiful song.

Then there's Mick Ryan's song “The Widow and the Devil”. I first heard it by the band Lintie on the late, great I loved it. It's about a woman who runs an inn and sleeps with every man who stays there. But none of them are good enough in bed. So she calls out to the devil who comes to put her vitality in bed to test. It's awesome!

The list goes on and on. Again, most are not risque.

I should do a Pub Songs Podcast and spend some time talking about the album. But for now, let's just say, Kilted For Her Pleasure, which I didn't expect much from, now I feel will be one of my most-popular CDs to date.

It officially goes on sale in September. However, I am seeking sponsors now.

Why sponsorship?

Last year, I had two CDs professionally produced (Happy Songs of Death and The Bridge). They sound just amazing. Unfortunately, I still owe a lot of money for those albums. It cost me a lot to produce them.

Common sense would tell me I should wait until I paid off those two CDs before I release this next one. But I LOVE this new CD. I REALLY want to release it in September. So I had to come up with another way to release it. I decided to seek sponsors. If I can raise $1500 for this CD, I will be able to release it in time with no problems, AND I won't go into further debt. So I really NEED YOUR HELP!

You can find more about it on my new Year of the Kilt website. There you will find the track listing. Just click the “Sponsor Kilted!” link and help me make this fun CD of Celtic Comedy come to life.

If you can't sponsor the album, I understand. And I thank you still for your continued support of my music.

But please drop by the website in any case, I hope to turn the website into a fun resource for Kilt lovers everywhere.

Marc Gunn