New Single: Why Do You Torture Me?

Here’s something weird I’ve learned as a musician. Some songs are great for live performances. Others are just great as recordings.

So I don’t memorize the lyrics to all the songs I record.

Yet, nearly every song I’ve recorded has been requested at least once.

It’s funny how one song can affect someone so much that they request it at every show.

It’s even funnier when it is an obscure song like “Christmas Time in Texas” by my old band, the Brobdingnagian Bards.

Weirder still when it is in July…

Yes. This actually happened. I was performing at Johnnie MacCracken’s in Marietta, Georgia. Chris attended most of these shows and loved this song. He requested it at nearly every show.

The only problem is I haven’t played the song in a long time. I never get requests for it, even during Christmas. So I never learned  the lyrics.

Yet the requests came. Eventually, I just played what I remembered of the song and called it a win.

But one July a couple years ago, I got that same bloody song request. Instead of playing the request, I rolled my eyes and improv’d a new song.

It was upbeat and funny. And happily, my digital recorder was rolling.

The song is called “Why Do You Torture Me?” The single is now available online. Give it a listen on Spotify (or YouTube). If you like it, add it to your library and a playlist.

You can own a digital copy everywhere online. But the best way to own it is to join the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon. It’s one of the many gifts you get for your kind monthly donation.

I want to thank all of my generous patrons for supporting my music. You are the reason I was able to release this single!

Thank you!

Marc Gunn, The Celtfather

PS. Oh! I still haven’t learned the lyrics to “Why Do You Torture Me”.

PPS. I actually LOVE getting song obscure song requests. Doesn't mean I can play them, but…

PPPS. What’s your favorite obscure song from my catalog?