New This Week: North Alabama Celtic Calendar, Kickstarter Stretch Goals, Website Fixes

There are just six days left until I fly off to Wales and join seven other people on my annual Celtic Invasion Vacation. I am SO psyched. And so fortunate to have people willing to join me every year on another invasion. I'm already planning next year's invasion, which should be a wee bit easier because I plan to return to the Dingle Peninsula like we did a few years ago. If you're not on the mailing list, go sign up right now at

I feel a little disappointed right now. This did not feel like an overly productive week. I have a list of items sitting on my to do list which I haven't touched, due to lack of motivation and getting side-tracked by other things, like having to fix websites.


For instance, I created a new Facebook fan page for the North Alabama Celtic Calendar. I did that because I want to better reach my local Celtic community so I might eventually be able to re-book a show at Moonlight on the Mountain. It's three years since I last played there. I'm trying to get things rolling for August or September.

In the meantime, I made some edits calendar website. Then the whole website disappeared.

It turns out I forgot to migrate one of my old servers to the new server. So I started doing that on Tuesday night. Little by little. And these are small, mostly insignificant websites. So is it the best use of my time? Maybe, but probably not. Could I do something better with these websites? Probably, but I'm not sure what.

Yesterday, I spent the day creating a follow up video for my Kickstarter of Sci Fi Drinking Songs. Surprisingly, I got the video in one take, but it took an hour or more to come up with all the social and financial stretch goals for the project.

Will those take off? No clue. But I do feel the album is doing extremely well. So I guess it is time well-spent.

I have several other videos I really want to record too, but the motivation, again is lacking. Plus, I have an Irish & Celtic Music Podcast I want to release. So much to do. At least, I was able to mix two more songs yesterday.

In the meantime, here are some of the websites I fixed, blogs, articles, and podcasts that were completed:

Alright. Let's see if I can get a podcast or video done so I can feel accomplished.

Have a great weekend. Slainte!
Marc Gunn, The Celtfather

PS. Gwen suggested a new TV show that came out this year. It's called “About a Boy“. Very funny. Apparently, there was also a movie featuring Hugh Grant that came out a decade ago.