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Date: December 3, 2004
Subject: [Marc's Musings] European Adventure

Marc's Musings 3 Dec 2004

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Marc's Musings

Greetings <:firstname:>,

Wow! The holiday season is here, and in less than two weeks, I'll be in Europe. Hard to believe, but I've some big plans.

I'm flying into The Netherlands so I can visit a couple o'friends I have overseas. My friend Ingrid Houwers who designed the front cover of our upcoming CD, "Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales," plans to show mearound a wee bit, including... taking me to a Fantasy Faire on the December 18th.

Can you imagine it? A fantasy faire in The Netherlands!!! I'm so excited!

From there, I'm taking a train down to Switzerland. I befriended the band Heidi, Stef, and Bow Triplets when we were on wasn't able to make it to Switzerland when I last visited twoyears ago. So now, I'm making sure I get a chance to jam with them.

Plus, I've been dying to see Switzerland again. It's been years since I was there and I have blissful memories of it.

Oh, and I saw in their newsleter that they have a new song outat SoundClick--The Last Shirt. Wonderful songwriting.

When I leave Switzerland, it sounds like I'll have a nice-sized familiy gathering for Christmas. My mom plans to pick my nephew and nieces from Germany and bring them down to Italy for Christmas. That will be awesome. Hey, maybe I can even let my nephew see Sting again?

LOL Sorry, I should explain that. A couple years back, I have my nephew a replica of Bilbo Baggins' sword STING. His mom wasn't happy that's for sure because of the laws against owning large knives. Ah well, he dug it, but my mom had to take it back to Italy with her.

A lot of my Italian plans are not yet set. Sometime after Christmas, I'm supposed to head down to the Rome to visit and jam with some Celtic musicians. I'm trying to set up a gig. Just not sure ifit will happen yet. In between that, Venezia, and maybe see what kind of celebrations are taking place around the countryside.
This will be a brilliant vacation!


If you'd like a postcard from Europe, email me your address, Slainte!

PS. I setup a Travel Tales webpage on my site to keep people up-to-date with my adventures. Feel free to check in every few days at Marc's Travel Tales, though I may just cross-post it all to my LiveJournal.

Marc's Lyrics & Poetry

Ever Hopeful, More Often Hurtin
by Marc Gunn, October 25, 2004

A few weeks back, I had an interesting look at love and the reasons behind some of my past relationships.

Ever hopeful,
More often hurting.

As a child I gave friendship and love with fervor
Only to see it closed behind a cold door.
My fraternal love was scoffed,
But I still offered the other cheek.

Ever hopeful,
More often hurting.

My cheeks were red and sore by high school.
Ilearned a lesson too well.
I hurt my friends, and I'm sorry for it.

Ever hopeful,
More often hurting.

By college, friendship gave to love and romance.
The story didn't change.
Until at last th hurt became too much.
I cast aside my self inflected virgin sacrifices.
The fires dimmed, and I grew cold.

Never hopeful,
Yet still hurting.

Then one night, I was amazed to find love
That broke the cast.
I gave, and she gave too.
Until the bonds of giving imploded,
And I ddint' know how to close the door.

Always hopeful,
Yet still hurting.

The cycle returns once again
As I knock at love's front door.
I see my childhood friends reborn.
They peer out to tell me they can't come out and play, and
I'm left lonely and confused.

Ever hopeful,
Again hurting.

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