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Date: June 19, 2005
Subject: [Marc's Musings] Iced Cappuccino Love and Battle of the Bands

Marc's Musings
Marc Gunn's Homepage

- Feature Poem: Iced Cappuccino Love
- Musings: Vote for Battle of the Bands and Best of Austin Poll

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Marc's Musings

Greetings <:firstname:>,

I saw Batman Begins today. Aw yeah. That movie rocked. I definitely notice a trend over the past couple o'months as I embrace my geekdom. I also tried to see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but didn't happen. Right after the opening song--"So Long and Thanks for All the Fish"--ended, the film burned up. Doh! Guess I'll try again another time.

Vote for Cats and the Battle of the Bands

Last week, I published my second Cat Lovers Podcast. If you're not familiar with podcasts, they're basically downloadable radio shows. This episode was inspired by a wee antic of Tiziano that left me in stitches. And it got me another podcast done. Woohoo!

The podcast is doing fairly well at Podcast Alley, which is the #1 directory of podcasts. If you want to lend a helping hand, please vote for the Cat Lovers Podcast there.

While you're in the voting mood, there's a couple other things to vote for.

  1. Vote at Podcast Alley. You can vote once a month.
  2. Vote in the Battle of the Bands. "Wild Kitty" is running in a battle of the bands competition.
  3. Vote in the Best of Austin Poll. Not to be confused with the Best of Austin Music Poll, this competition focuses on local businesses. And there's a few that I and my friends fit in.

I really appreciate your help. I put myself down for Best Poet with my new book, Bella Filíocht. This is another great opportunity so I hope you will take a moment to vote.

Bards #1 on CDBaby Update

Well, the verdict is out. There was an overwhelming response from our fans saying, "We want to help you become #1." Thank you! That's what we're gonna do. The list of freebies is growing. We already have about twenty dollars worth of bonuses donated, and it will continue to grow. So thank you!

Upcoming Gigs

At last, the Bards booking schedule is filling up. We have a few CD release parties scheduled for July, and Andrew's working hard to take care of the rest. We're scheduled to return to the Kansas City Renaissance Festival in October, and there are a few exciting other gigs in the works which might have us back on the East Coast this fall.

I'll let you know how it develops or just keep a watchful eye on our gig calendar. If you are interested in hosting a house concert or how you can help organize a gig for us to play, let me know.


Drop me a line and say, "hello". Slainte!
- Marc


Marc's Lyrics & Poetry

Iced Cappuccino Love
by Marc Gunn, May 3, 2005

Relationships are often marred with fear. But it's how we face with and deal with that fear that determines the success of those relationships.

Gather a friend and join
The hands of lonely people,
The skeptics and the cynics.
Love is not achievable
   in this lifetime,
Not when You are your
      Worst enemy.

There's a lady drinking an Iced Cap.
Red pants and an overwhelming,
  Black baby doll.
Yes, she's studying.
    She's studying a way to earn her Mrs.
    But all she'll ever find is a PhD,
    Piled hire and Deeper.

Lonely and dispossessed
By big dreams and solemn scarred
Too many men,
Too many cigarettes,
Too many wrinkles,
    From worrying she'll die alone
    And she will.

But You!
   You who hobble after
         hopeless handicaps.
You know who you are.
Always doing your best
  to sabotage any
  trickle of happiness.
Bite your eyes.
Give love a chance.
You're not the dumbass
  you appear to be.
You're just scared.

It's only your fear
That is truly your enemy
Grotesque and hideous
Denizen of the shallowest
   Depths of your soul.
I said shallow.
    It ain't that deep.
So get over it.
Drown yourslef in the overwhelming bless of
    Iced cappuccino love.

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About Marc Gunn

Do Marc's Musings ever inspire you?
If so, there's something you can do.
Help me out. Pass the inspiration on.
Share with others, and I'll keep sharing songs.

Marc Gunn is a musician, photographer, poet, author, American Scotsman, songwriter, music download connoisseurs, web designer, Rennie, online entrepreneur, and a bunch of other labels that don't a whole lot, but all entirely independent.

The world is dominated by massive organizations that strangle the life out of the independent arts. You can stop it at the source. Your good will and support of the arts through kind donations, purchases, and friendly word of mouse will make your feel great!

June 19, 2005

Published once or twice a week. To manage your subscription, see the end of this newsletter.


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The Autoharps by Nancy e. Pearsall
The Autoharps That Encircle My Life
by Nancy e. Pearsall. I own a couple autoharps. *smirk*

Marc's Magazines & Articles

Marc's Musings Archive

Cat Lovers Podcast

Best of Austin 2005

The Story of the Paddle

Gunn-isms, a Lexicon of Gunn Terminology

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Irony

"Wild Kitty" on Manic Monday

New Ren Faire Music Resource

Bard Night Shirts

Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers T-Shirt



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