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Date: June 24, 2006
Subject: [Marc's Musings] My Olive Tree, July House Concert Tour

Marc's Musings
Marc Gunn's Homepage

- Feature Poem: Won't You Come With Me
- Musings: The Rewards of Eating Healthily

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Marc's Musings

Greetings <:firstname:>,

I'm getting a lot of great responses from my many podcasts. I recently began republishing my Pub Songs Podcast (which is not just pub songs). It's giving me an opportunity to share other bits of my life that I've not done before, like music from non-Celtic bands that I love. That makes me happy.

When you're single, one of the first things you do when you meet someone new is introduce them to all the things you love, like music. Podcasting sorta lets me do that with new people all over. And it's thrilling.

Plus, more and more people are realizing that podcasts are basically just MP3s. So anyone can download a show and listen, even if they don't have iTunes or an MP3 player. Listen on your computer at work or work. And now, my Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is earning over 15,000 downloads of each now. That is brilliant! And it is only the beginning.

Thank you for being a part of it.

I've had scores of people ask me if I'm going to do another cat CD. My plan was to get into the black with this first one and if it was popular enough, I would plan on something in 2007.

Well, the CD is in the black. So last week, I contacted my producer, Ari Koinuma about the next CD. We plan to record it in 2007. So I still have lots of time to write and find new songs. If you love cats and would like to write a parody for the CD, you can submit your parody here.

Well, it started off with me planning to drive to Tennessee to meet family. Now it looks like July will be a house concert tour that will traverse over TEN states. Andrew is madly organizing the concerts and you'll find those on the Brobdingnagian Bards Shows page over the next few days. Keep an eye out.

Meanwhile, we have TWO brobdingnagian gigs here in Austin. The first is at the Cactus Cafe with an All-Ages show and no cover this Weds, June 28. It's an Irish Sing-A-Long with Campbell & Wilson.

The second is the dark, satirical, Goth gig at Elysium with the GothFather himself, Voltaire. The show is 21 and up. I'm not sure what the cover will be. But it will be a hilarious fun!

I hope you can make it out.

PS. Please vote for me in the Best of Austin Poll.


Drop me a line and say, "mreow!" Slainte!
- Marc


Marc's Lyrics & Poetry

My Olive Grove
by Marc Gunn, June 24, 2006

Once again, I walk down that dusty road.
The cloudy canopy casts silhouettes
On the olive grove I called home.
I stumble along that same path
  Again and again.

There are no taunting Ladders
That visibly give me reason to hope.
There is only the road,
   Growing ever more tired and bled of life
   From the same weary feet
   The same weary path.

   do I allow myself to follow the same journey
   Day after day?
I prayed at the first thirteen stations,
  But walked home before the end.

Now a Turtle-Dove drifts carelessly
  Above me.
She coos with humble dissatisfaction
At my being so far from home.

She's filled with doubt
     About the solemnity of the future.
I don't blame her.

But I chose this path.

And I love my grove.

But the Wisdom of my insecurity
And the coarseness of the rocks beneath my feet
Cast doubt on my reason for walking.

I'm left wandering
... and wondering
If the seeds I fed the Turtle-Dove
   Brought color to her wings
Or were they just stones
That will cause her to fall
Like Icarus

                        To lie as carrion at my feet.

The road is long.
The clouds are dense.
My olive grove disappears in the mist.

Like this poem? Share your thoughts.
You may also enjoy my book Bella Filiocht.


About Marc Gunn

Do Marc's Musings ever inspire you?
If so, there's something you can do.
Help me out. Pass the inspiration on.
Share with others, and I'll keep sharing songs.

Marc Gunn is a musician, photographer, poet, author, American Scotsman, songwriter, music download connoisseurs, web designer, Rennie, online entrepreneur, and a bunch of other labels that don't mean a whole lot but are all entirely independent.

The world is dominated by massive organizations that strangle the life out of the independent arts. You can stop it at the source. Your good will and support of the arts through kind donations, purchases, and friendly word of mouse will make your feel great!

Jun 24, 2006

Published 1-4 times per month. To manage your subscription, see the end of this newsletter.


Marc Gunn's Pub Songs Podcast
"Show #9 - Lounging on the Rocky Road to the Best of Austin"
Download: MP3
Buy CD: n/a

Long Haired Jedi Master
A Lone Gunn

Marc's Magazines & Articles

Marc's Musings Archive

SONG HENGE - the Celtic Music Archive
(find a few songs by me that are unavailable anywhere else)

All-New Pub Songs Podcast

Renaissance Festival Podcast

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast

A Brobdingnagian Minute

Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers on iTunes

Buy CDs Online or Call 1-800-BUY MY-CD

New Cat T-Shirts

Plans For the Rest of the Year and 2007

Italian Language Meetup

Flyers for Elysium

What Is A House Concert?

Drinking Cats Sign Record Deal

Autoharp Radio




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