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Date: September 26, 2006
Subject: [Marc's Musings] A Faint Heart and TRF

Marc's Musings
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MARC'S MUSINGS -- September 26, 2006

- Feature Poem: A Faint Heart
- Musings: Songwriting, MP3 Downloads, Texas Ren Fest

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Marc's Musings

Patty Mora PhotographyGreetings <:firstname:>,

Boy, it's been a while since I've written. When I started publishing this ezine, I planned on releasing it only when I published a new poem. Early on, that happened a lot. Nowadays, not so much. In fact, the poem in today's issue isn't by me. It's a song I co-wrote with a talented Austin songwriter named Ande Rasmussen. He's written a number of songs for musicians.

So it was an honor to learn he thought of my music when he wrote these lyrics a few years back. Though it wasn't until last night that I wrote some music.

Songwriting is an odd thing for me. I don't write that many songs, but I want to write more. That's the reason I picked up the autoharp in the first place.

When we used to play on the South Mall at the University of Texas at Austin, I started toying with the idea of creating songs at the spur of the moment. I took suggestions from the audience and then started strumming and wrote lyrics on the fly. The lyrics were usually non-sensical but largely comedic. It was fun and a nice challenge.

That's why with the new season of the Pub Songs Podcast I plan to write and record more songs just like that. I'm hoping it will inspire some new creativity on my part. I've already worked on a couple ideas. So keep an ear open for my podcast for new songs.

I didn't realize how much music I've recorded over the years. Last week, I setup a new webpage for my music downloads, as well as for The Bards. Shortly after mentioning it in my Livejournal, I got my first order. A friend ordered a CD of all my MP3s. That led me to look through my past recordings. I found a lot of unfinished songs.

I even found a recording of "Something" by George Harrison that Andrew and I recorded for a Celtic tribute to Harrison after he died. Sadly, the compilation was never released and our recording never saw light of day. That's okay, because it wasn't very good. But it did inspire me to relearn the song.

Now if I can ever get around to finishing a couple o'CD projects I'll be a happy bard. Meantime, you can download my music on my new MP3 Downloads page.

I almost forgot to mention that this fan magazine was finally finished at the end of last month. It was a raging success too. Everyone seems to have enjoyed the magazine, and it got quite a few glances at our recent show at FenCon.

You can download the magazine for free for now. However, I'd urge you to purchase a copy. I love the look of the magazine that Lulu sent me. They did such a great job printing it. And you don't get the full effect since the download does not include the front and back cover of the magazine. But that's just a suggestion.

I want to send out a big thank you to everyone who contributed to this fun little project.

Oh! And if you're at the Texas Renaissance Festival this Sunday, look for me. I'm going out for fun. Andrew will join me for shows on the last weekend of October.

Take care and drop me a line to say, "hi" if you have a moment.
- Marc


Marc's Lyrics & Poetry

A Faint Heart
by Ande Rasmussen

A couple years ago, a local songwriter took interest in the Brobdingnagian Bards. He asked to co-write a song with us and almost immediately sent this song. Yesterday, I finally set down and wrote a melody for the song.

a faint heart never
won a fair maiden
a faint heart never
let a lad be brazen
call up your courage
what's a few scars
you won't win the lady
you'll lose the lass
with a faint heart

put down your pint
get out of your seat
I spy a lass
you ought to meet
if you feel afraid
don't let it show
here is a rhyme
that you ought to know

get her attention
make a fool of yourself
if you don't go right now
she might find somebody else
then you'll never know,
what it was you lost
you better act right now
or suffer the cost

I know your heart's been trampled
like green grass under hooves
you spy her you want her
but you're scared to make a move
your knees are knocking
you're frozen in fear
this might be shocking
here's what you need to hear

you won't win the lady
you will lose the lass
you'll never know
unless you ask

Like this poem? Share your thoughts.
You may also enjoy my book Bella Filiocht.

"Pub Songs Podcast #15 - Rattlin' the Folk Song Tradition with Skullcrusher Mountain"
Download: Featured CD (Call 1-800-BUY-MY-CD): Buy Songs of Ireland

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About Marc Gunn

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Marc Gunn is a musician, photographer, poet, author, American Scotsman, songwriter, music download connoisseurs, web designer, Rennie, online entrepreneur, and a bunch of other labels that don't mean a whole lot but are all entirely independent.

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