MARC'S MUSINGS -- July 11, 2007
- Feature Poem: She Said Her Name Was Saffron
- Musings: Ireland and Italy Stories, Vote for Me in Firefly Contest
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Marc's Musings
Greetings <:firstname:>,
Yes, I'm back home. Woohoo! As much as I loved Europe, it's nice to be home. But ah, do I miss the craic in Ireland and Italy!
Course, since I'm back, that means I need to catch up on a LOT of stuff, but we'll get back to that in a moment...
One of the first things I did upon returning is edited podcasts that I recorded in Europe. And there were a LOT of them!
There's a couple from the Cliffs of Moher. One LONG one from Venice, Padova, and and Rome. And while you're listening you can now look at pictures from the trip as well. I finally got those posted on Flickr.
Now I just need to edit some of the live show recordings that I made of the trips. There was some brilliant stuff. And I haven't even caught up on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast which'll have more stuff. Hopefully, I'll finish that show in a couple o'days.
- Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast
- Pub Songs Podcast - Ireland and Italy
- Marc's Flickr Photos from Europe
- Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
While I was in Europe, I released my new CD, "Irish Drinking Songs: A Cat Lovers Companion". I was hoping it might climb the charts on CD Baby, but no such luck this time. Maybe for the next album which I surprisingly hope to complete before the end of the summer. It's called "A Tribute to LOVE!" and has been in the works for a while now. That combined with the Brobdingnagian Bards next CD "Real Men Wear Kilts" (and maybe a live Bards CD too), and you can bet I have a busy summer ahead filled with recording.
But in the meantime, check out the Cat Companion CD. And if you have it I'd love to see your reviews on CD Baby an iTunes. Oh! It's now available on iTunes.
And if you want to sample the album, I started a podcast to feature much of my new music, including songs from this CD. It's called "Marc Gunn's Irish Songs and More". You can download some of the new songs there.
- "Irish Drinking Songs: A Cat Lovers Companion"
- Cat Companion CD on iTunes
- "Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers"
- Marc Gunn's IRISH SONGS and MORE Podcast
- "A Tribute to LOVE!"
- "Real Men Wear Kilts"
Last month had a number of cool things happen, outside of just being in Europe. First, my song, "The Cat Came Back... The Cat Lover's Perspective" was picked up by Dr. Demento thanks to The FuMP (Funny Music Project). I was so excited to get an email from the Doctor telling me that. So feel free to request the song.
Second, I got an email from the Sing-A-Song for Saffron Contest requesting a song for the contest. So I wrote one. I've been dying to write a Firefly song for a while, and nothing came together. Yet, while I was in Ireland, Vroom! It came to me and I wrote.
I was also extremely lucky. I lost my notebook with those lyrics on the way home from Italy! But amazingly, I remembered most of the song. You can read the lyrics below.
Now I need your help.
They have a popular vote for the contest. And you can go to and vote for my song. I'm not sure what I'll win if I do, and I'm not too worried about. But it would be cool. I mean Christina Hendricks, aka YoSaffBridg herself, will be judging too. And *patter* she's one of my all time favorite villainesses.
Meantime, you can download the song below. Thanks a million and I hope you like the song.
- Dr Demento
- The FuMP
- "The Cat Came Back... The Cat Lover's Perspective" Lyrics
- Vote for me in the Sing-A-Song for Saffron Contest
- Download: "She Said Her Name Was Saffron"
PS. For you Texas folks, we're doing a show at Elysium on Thursday, July 19th at midnight.
Hope you're well. Slainte!
- Marc Gunn
Marc's Lyrics & Poetry She Said Her Name Was Saffron
by Marc Gunn, June 13, 2007
I received an email while I was in Ireland for a contest by to write a song about Saffron (or YoSaffBridge), the beautiful and manipulative vixen from Firefly. She was one of my favorite bad guys in the show. And being in Ireland, a melody came easy. I wrote the song to "May Morning Dew", a beautiful Irish ballad.
I met her on the Outer Rim.
She was a beauty. There's no denial.
We danced around the fire that night.
In the morning, I awoke all smiles.
But when my boat hit atmo,
And she said that we were married.
T'was then I vowed I'd never again
Leave quick when I should tarry.
She said her name was Saffron,
A prize for work done well.
I know we'd done some good works,
But this time I guess excelled.
For her smile it made my legs weak,
And her breasts they made me wheeze.
Oh if I were a different man,
Then I'd show her the Real me.
That night I found her in my bunk
Lying naked in my bed.
She gave me the Goodnight Kiss
And I thought that I was dead.
We'd all be but for Inara...
Oh, I wonder how she knew?
But what I really wish is I could've seen
The kiss between those two.
But that's not the point of this song, right now,
From this lesson I learnt too well.
If you take strange women into your bed
You may go to the Special Hell.
Either pin her down or set her free
Just don't let your plan go South.
If that doesn't work, follow Jayne's advice,
"Never kiss them on the mouth."
Like this poem?
Share your thoughts.
You may also enjoy my book Bella Filiocht.
"Pub Songs Podcast #23-26 - Ireland and Italy
Featured CD (Call 1-800-BUY-MY-CD): Buy Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers
Marc's Musings Archive
SONG HENGE - the Celtic Music Archive
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About Marc Gunn
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Marc Gunn is a musician, photographer, poet, author, American Scotsman, songwriter, music download connoisseurs, web designer, Rennie, online entrepreneur, and a bunch of other labels that don't mean a whole lot but are all entirely independent.
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