No Celtic Music News

I don't know why I woke up this morning lamenting that there was no real blog or website that told what was happening in the Celtic music world, but I did. It's not like I am an avid news reader. I glance every couple of days. Nor is it like I am an avid news poster. I don't send out press releases with my latest accomplishments nearly as much as I should. Yet, I still would love to see it.

I think part of it is an internal desire to see that all these cool Celtic groups I've befriended via the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast and Celtic MP3s Music Magazine get their fair due. Yet, the world continues on that it is the aggressive ones who often have publicists who are the ones that actually get attention in the media. It has nothing to do with who deserves it.

We can't conquer the world. We can only manage our tiny microverse. And even that I have trouble managing on my own.

So for now, the news rests quietly at Celtic Cafe. It misses most of the indies who don't have publicists, but at least they have the opportunity to be heard if they will just share some news. Hmm? So maybe I should go do that too right now…

Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.