It's official. Thanksgiving is over. I'm allowed to openly declare my love for Christmas music. Now I'm digging through photos and listening to music. All while making playlists and podcasts. It's truly the most-wonderful time of the year. Especially for cats…

Christmas Cat 2020
That's Pompeii from last year. He was feeling the Christmas spirit in the wrapping paper!
I have a new Christmas single online. It's called “Yuletide”. The lyrics were written by Nancy Flynn, who also wrote “Christmas in the Shire.”
It's a song about sharing love and showing kindness. It's festive and fun. Be prepared to smile.
Follow the link to listen to it, add it to your playlists, or share it on social.
If you're wondering what happened to Black Friday stuff. I talk about that on my Celtfather podcast.
I am also planning to release some new and old items in my store at the end of this week. Keep an eye on my blog.
#marcsmusings #celtfathernews