Recovering with Guilty Pleasures

Oy! Haven't written anything in a bit. Turns out I had the flu. [sarcasm]What a lovely birthday present![/sarcasm]

I survived, T.G., and I'm slowly recovering. The cough still remains. But I'm hopeful I'll be rid of that in another week at least. Meanwhile, I'm finally starting to get back to doing work. I pretty much took the last week off to sleep and relax in front of the tube. I finally caught up on 3rd season of Dr. Who and Battlestar Galactica. *drool* Brilliant! Then I took some birthday money and ordered Buck Rogers (really cheap too), 1st season of Gilligan's Island, and Planet of the Apes.

A bunch of random movies that struck my mood. It's been fun watching some of those. Buck Rogers was much better in my memory. hehe! But still fun. But Gilligan's Island. Dang! That show is funny. I haven't noticeably chuckled out loud for while. Still a classic! I thought about buying Happy Days too. Been forever since I've seen that show! But some other time when I scrounge up some dough.

Yes, DVDs are my one guilty pleasure… well, after food and drink, that is. The one Tangible guilty pleasure that lasts, let's say.

Really need to do some catch up. But March and St. Pat's was a fairly successful month. Hits and sales were down on my websites, but it still felt like a good month. I was really proud of the St. Patrick's Day Celtic podcasts I did. Just need to catch up with the Ren Fest Podcasts now… and Pub Songs, Cat Lovers and Brobdingnagian Minute. All of which have files waiting to be edited. Next few days, me hopes. Another weekend off and then off to I-Con in New York. W00t!