Refusing to Change

Sears is filing for bankruptcy and I don’t care.
In fact, I'm a little angry. It reminds me of Toys R Us. These are companies, corporations, that grew so big they refused to innovate. They refuse to change with the times.
I'm nostalgic for the past like everyone, but I am also a realist. Times have changed. You can't stop the world from turning.
Toys “R” Us could’ve seen that their store was a playground for the imagination. They could’ve turned it into such. They didn’t. So they bankrupted themselves.
Sears, for their part, apparently tried to innovate. They were just stupid. They split themselves up as a company and pitted each section against each other. They thought that this would create innovation and ultimately boost sales. It didn't.
I may be an introvert, but all of my biggest successes came from working with others.
Sears and other corporations don’t understand that. Their only goal is to maximize profit. That does not always work in the best interest of the consumers. In fact, the larger a company is, and the more market share they hold, the more likely it will hurt consumers and society as a whole.
Do yourself a favor. Read up on what led to the anti-monoply legislation of the early 1900s.
Sears selfishness business model failed. It was a dumb model.
Branding was their biggest issue. They used to have a great brand. But they thought they were too big to fail.
There’s a lesson here for all of us. We cannot hang on our laurels. We cannot expect everything to stay the same. Life is transient.
So if the RIAA or a record company says our industry needs digital downloads to survive (or CDs or vinyl), ignore them. Buy from an independent artist who actually gives a damn.
If tomorrow some big oil company says, we must use fossil fuels to fuel our growing energy costs, laugh at them. Then add another regulation to help them grow and innovate.
If some politician tells you we don’t need net neutrality and the freedom to innovate. Fire them!
#sears #searshome #searsdeals #searsstyle #bankrupt #bankruptcy #toysrus #monoply #RIAA #firethemall #government #american #instavote #voting