Rich Brotherton – Ace Recording Studio in Austin, Texas

I first saw Rich Brotherton‘s name on the back of a CD by Ed Miller. I didn't know who he was. I listened to the album and loved Ed's music. Little did I know that Rich was the engineer and producer behind the recording. When I heard The Tea Merchant‘s first CD, I was extremely impressed. It sounded awesome. Lo and behold, Rich Brotherton's name came back up.

When I finally decided to record my second of Irish music and cats, I called up Rich Brotherton to produce the album. Little did I know that he had a couple decades of experience playing Celtic music. Nor did I know he was a brilliant multi-instrumentalist, playing the guitar, cittern, mandolin, bass, tenor banjo, and I'm sure I missed some. But in the end Rich produced my album Whiskers in the Jar: Irish Songs for Cat Lovers, and it sounded so good I decided I want him to produce my next big album.

At long last, Rich Brotherton has a website for Ace Recording, the name of his recording studio. The website does not begin to capture the magic and life that Rich puts into his productions.

If you're looking for a brilliant producer in Austin, look no further. For that matter, he's worth a trip to record!