Saying No… Even If It’s Included

Blueberry Eyes

Inara asked me to fill her juice bottle up to a certain line. “No higher!”

I asked her why. She said it was because if she drinks more than that, then she’ll get filled up and not be hungry for breakfast.

I was blown away that at age 8, she already knows her limits. I might’ve learned that by 48…

She also knew that it was too tempting if I gave her more than her limit. She might end up drinking it.

Seth Godin wrote a blog recently about saying no, even if it’s included. He concludes that “No might be better than free.”

I’ve come to appreciate saying, “No,” a little bit more recently. I do it on those rare times I go eat fast food. “Do you want the meal?”. No. Not really. Thanks.

But I’m also thinking of it terms of environmentalism. The Album Pin printer I use, GS-JJ, automatically puts each album pin in plastic when it is shipped. I really don’t want those little pieces of plastic that encase each pin. It just occurred to me today, I can say, no. I can ask them to not put them in there.

I bring canvas tote bags to the grocery store so I can bag the groceries myself and not take another plastic bag home with me.

When I choose fruit and vegetables, I pick the ones that aren’t in plastic bags. I get a little grossed out by putting them on the scanner. But then I wash them when I get home.

I don’t need more stuff in my life. If I buy it, it needs a reason to stick around. Sometimes that can be for pure enjoyment. Sometimes it’s like you to archive something I love, like many of you do with CDs or USBs. But most of the time it’s gotta be something practical.

So I do my best to say no. Obviously, I'm. not perfect. I don't do all of these things every time. But as long as I'm learning to say no to excess more than I say yes, I'll call that a win!

What about you? What do you say “no” to?