Shamanic Journey

Growing up, I always felt that I was wise beyond my age. But over the last five years, maybe even ten, I feel like my age has surpassed my wisdom.

I'm not sure why I mention it. But tonight, I was invited to a Shamanic Meetup by a friend. I had no Halloween plans and thought this might be an interesting experience. So I went. And it was.

In some ways, it reminded me of my yoga experiences except with a little bit more ceremony. Well, unless you consider yogic positioning to be ceremony. Maybe I should say, external ceremony. I think of yoga as very internal. I don't use props. I just use my body and my experience to do as I need. That, in turn, helps my mind to focus on meditation.

The Shamanic Journey was a similar with less body manipulation. Instead, a drum cadence helps to guide the mind into meditation. Once there, it's not about just meditating… or maybe it feels different, it's about exploration of choices and goals and the universe or whatever.

Personally, I didn't really feel like I went on a journey. But I did feel like my mind and soul worked on some issues I've been thinking about of recent. It was rather peaceful and mentally stimulating. I had more feelings than visualizations like others had. The only visual I had were some bright lights amidst blackness, weaving and interlacing among it, sorta like a web. But more like a reverse shadow of perhaps a hammock.

Significance? Who knows? But I certainly feel a bit more centered, which is not how I've felt much over the past week or two.

I've been racing around trying to figure out what to do with my cats, manage the fraud that nearly crippled us, make my home a home, and just do the everyday things I gotta do. Focus has not been my specialty. And it doesn't help that I haven't been to Yoga in a couple weeks either.

Now I'm back. Tomorrow, I go to the dentist. I will try to bring my Renaissance Festival Podcast compilation CD to a close and try to start the second half of that compilation idea. Friday, I drive to Louisiana for the first weekend of the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. Then back to Austin to spend more time with my kitties and try to complete a few more projects before I disappear to Louisiana again.

Then I have planning for a bardic New Years celebration and maybe a gig in Germany. Yes, I finally have a confirmation. My mother is flying me to Germany for Christmas. So plans there? And then there's those other future plans. Will I move? How will I fulfill my life goals.

There's much on my mind. But at least my path seems a little clearer.