“Silhouette of Longing Love” Music Download

Yesterday, I wrote a new song. I called it “Silhouette of Love” at the time. I wrote it after leaving Zilker Park, here in Austin. I spent a good forty-five minutes practicing in the heat of the day and wanted some traveling music. I started playing a melody.

It was simple, beautiful, and touching. And as I walked I had an image in my mind. And it's funny. Just about everyone who heard the tune recognized what I was not verbalizing. When I started playing, the song was to be called “Pottery Girl”, but this is what came out. It was not just a “Silhouette of Love”, but a “Silhouette of Longing Love.” The song was inspired by an ex with whom I split on poor terms.

As I lay in bed time tonight, I thought it was kind of ironic. Part of the reason for breakup was that I was unable to put her first. I thought too much about me. That's what I find ironic. This song is not about “Pottery Girl”, it's about me. It's about my own longing for love and the shadows that linger over it. I guess I still haven't learned.

Well, whatever the reason for the song, I think it is a touching reminder that love comes in all shapes and sizes. It's not always happy and blissful. Sometimes you don't get the girl and ride off into the sunset. Sometimes you're left longing and hoping for that Ever After.

“Silhouette of Longing Love”
Listen: LoFi
Recorded by Marc Gunn
From: A Tribute to Love

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