So Confident…with a Band

I wonder why am so confident playing one set with Kilted Kings but not when I’m playing solo?

Great live show can make a musician. We will sell more CDs, get more tips, and grow and more passionate fan base when we put on an awesome concert.

I feel like Kilted Kings nailed it at the Mid-South Renaissance Faire. We had a great show. So we played almost the same set at every show at the last weekend. This is something I see with the biggest Renaissance Faire acts. They score a good show and they do it over and over again.

Heck! It’s the same as stadium acts like KISS and Rolling Stones. It’s about repetition.

I know this to be true, but when it comes to putting it into practice as a solo musician, I have trouble.

Part of the problem is picking my best, most-popular songs. Which ones will keep the audience entranced? Which will get them psyched up? And even if I can figure out those questions, can I play the same set over and over again?

In a band, the answer is yes. But playing solo… I just don’t know.