St. Patrick’s Day Communion

The February edition of the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine went online today. Here's the intro with an important message for fans of Celtic music.

Right now, I'm listening to my own St. Patrick's Day Podcast because it's that time of year. It's time to start promoting indie Celtic music for St. Patrick's Day.

In fact, yesterday, I even changed the tag line for the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine. For years, I've listed it as “Changing the Way You Hear Celtic Music Since 2000”.

That is still appropriate, but with the mission statement I presented you last month, I decided to change our tag line to “The Home of Indie Celtic Music Online”. That is, after all, what this magazine is all about. We feature independent Celtic music reviews, mp3s, profiles and more. It's all about the indie Celtic musician.

As a Celtic music lover, St. Patrick's Day is like Christmas for the Celtic culture. It's a holy day. Not just because it celebrates a saint, but because it celebrates our entire Celtic culture.

While most places will hold communion over a pint of green beer, St. Patrick's Day is so much more than that. It's our day to join together and smile. Because the world is recognizing our Celtic heritage as a hallmark of civilization.

So I want to encourage you to share your love of your heritage starting today and culminating with our celebrations of St Patrick's Day on March 17th.

Here's a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Go out and see a live Celtic music show.
  2. Buy a Celtic CD.
  3. Share your thoughts about the bands you enjoy on facebook or your favorite social network.
  4. Tell the world that you LOVE independent Celtic music.
  5. Sign up with your local Celtic non-profit organization.
  6. Volunteer to help make a Celtic event happen.
  7. Share your knowledge of your Celtic heritage on- and offline.

If you need a place to begin, then start at your Home of Indie Celtic Music, the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine. Because yes, we're changing the way you hear Celtic music.

Download the entire magazine in PDF format here.