Stories and Glaggle

by Marc Gunn, January 25, 2005

Back in college, I created a word called “glaggle.” I just liked the sound of it. This poem was inspired by reading a book in bed with my cats playing on top of me, while I remembered my own days of Yore… or is that Your… College, she said. (Don't worry, it's not supposed to make sense.)

They permeate our lives.
B.S. mixed with broken hearts.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Some short, some long,
Some how they disappear
For the meaninglessness
Of some insignificant ramblings of
Feline psychosis
We babble, therefore, we are.

I remember that.
That meaningless word I made up
To give meaning to stupid crap that
I can't describe.
Non-flowing, fluid motion,
Hypocrisies and ironies
Laid down to feed the mind
Something other than ferret dookie
On a cowboy hat with extra hot salsa and chili.