I’m back from a rockin’ weekend of house concerts in Maryland and Virginia where I shared a bunch of Celtic music as well as geek music with some wonderful people. Now I’m gearing up for the Celtic Halloween special on YouTube tonight and the ultimate Firefly Drinking Songs show on Sunday. There’s a LOT of […]
Tag Archives: firefly drinking songs
5 Upcoming Shows – 2 Online, 3 Offline
This afternoon, we start our trek to Virginia and Maryland. I have three house concerts planned for this weekend. Only Friday and Saturday are open to the public at large… If you want to attend any, you will need to contact the people running them ASAP. I don’t make it up this way often. So […]

Freedom Costs (Lyrics)
“Freedom Costs” lyrics and music by James “Cedric” Hazlerig Performed by Bedlam Bards & Marc Gunn From CD: Firefly Drinking Songs When you can’t run, you walk / And when you can’t walk, you crawl, If you find someone to carry you / Then rise up and stand tall. One raindrop might be nothin’ / But no […]
Pet Loving Experience / CG053
Last night, I had a very successful show of cat songs. About forty people showed up to celebrate our joint love of cats. I talk about that as well as some more riveting news that will have you on the edge of your seat anticipating cool new projects. Today’s show is brought to you by […]
Dragon Con 2014, Part 1
I’m not gonna go into any huge details about this year’s Dragon Con. All I can say is it’s been AWESOME! Tonite’s Brobdingnagian Bards show blew the audience away. It was an outstanding show if I do say so myself. There are still two days to go. Tomorrow I have a Firefly Drinking Songs show. […]
Did You Have Fun at GenCon Too?
I want to thank you so much for joining me at GenCon this year. I had an absolute blast. I also got some ideas for next year. I’d love your feedback. The Firefly Drinking Songs was once again a big hit. 175 seats sold out quickly. The sad part was that only 115 people attended the show. […]
Browncoats Keep Flyin’ (Firefly Lyrics)
Performed by Marc Gunn From CD: Sci Fi Drinking Songs “Browncoats Keep Flyin’” lyrics by Rie Sheridan Rose, music by Marc Gunn * Freedom’s a spark in the heart of the Black and the Browncoats are aimin’ to take our ‘Verse back Serenity Valley broke many a man but the Browncoats keep flyin’ as best as […]
Star Wars Figures Invade GenCon
The first two days of GenCon are over. So far, this is once again a brilliant convention. I’m just having a blast. For starters, I wake up early and get a nice walk in the cool air as I talk with Kenzie and Gwen on Facetime. I love “being there” as Kenzie goes from groggy […]
Where Did I Go Wrong with Procrastination?
There’s a lot on my mind right now. So I thought I’d blog. That, and I’m procrastinating recording this week’s Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. That’s okay. I’ll get it done today. The shownotes are almost done. I just need a good title for the show. Hmmm…. Where to begin? Upcoming Sci Fi Conventions Let’s see. […]
GenCon Event Registration Is Here
GenCon event registration opened up a couple days ago. Tickets are already going fast. This year, I booked an extra show too. However, as of today, those tickets are almost gone. Other shows are going fast. Here’s my complete list of shows: Wednesday at 9PM Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers Yup! I’m gonna do a […]