The Musician Horcrux

Owning a cd is like owning a piece of my soul. So I guess you could say… I created a horcrux.

But don’t worry. This is not the dark magic that Voldemort used in Harry Potter. In fact, it used to be far more common than it is today in this world of streaming music.

My horcrux is my new CD, Selcouth. You can own a piece of soul right now. Because Selcouth is now available everywhere, including my Mage Records store.

It’s funny to think about music in terms of a horcrux. But it’s kind of accurate. I release another piece of my soul into the world each time I share new music. It’s kind of scary.

Will you appreciate it?
If it’s different from my older music, will you love or hate it?
And when it’s Selcouth–when it’s strange and different–will you find it marvelous as well?

That’s the scary thing about creating a musical horcrux or any art.

Releasing art, putting it out into the world, is the right thing to do. At least for me.

I love to create. I don’t want to rest on my laurels. I want to become a better songwriter. A better musician.

I love this new album. I hope you do too.

But if you truly want to own my horcrux, then you need to buy a CD. Or another physical, tangible, embodiment of my music, like my lapel pins.

Just be gentle. I really don’t want to end up as a pool of goo at King’s Cross station.

At least not with this album… I mean, there’s not even a Harry Potter song on the CD!

Thank you for indulging my musical interruptions. Especially today, because it's Bandcamp Friday. That means, musicians earn more on every thing they sell in their stores. It's kinda brilliant.

So go buy a Horcrux!


PS. Here's my showtimes for Sherwood Forest Faire this weekend