The Sailboat Armada (Lyrics)

Lyrics by Marc Gunn & Kristen Roger, May 28, 2005

This song was written over Memorial Day Weekend. It was inspired by hearing that Kristen's dad paints sailboats. Kristen mentioned a sailboat armada, and swarthy sea shanty sang through my head in the key of Arrrrr!

O' supper time was over
As we left the Port Pub across the bay
When we saw a frightful sight
As the day turned to night
An invasion like none you've ever seen.

The sails fluttered with many colours.
The boat captains, horrifyingly clean.
Wearing Hawaiian print shirts,
Sandles, and dock shorts
T'was like a Yuppy Convention out at sea.

Thus sailed the Sailboat Armada
As the wind swept away the salt breeze.
On the seven seas I've roamed,
And no worse terror I've known
Than 300 Yacht Club Members out at sea.

Five ships led the race to dry dock
Like the America's Cup with canons.
When a bikini breasted lass
Stepped up to the mast
And was knocked on her ass by the shifting wind.

Somehow I survived the Sailboat Armada
Nevermore will I venture out to sea.
On Memorial Day I paint yachts
For yuppies to hit rocks
As a silent war against rich conformity.