The Show That Should Never Be Heard… Will Be Heard!

Some of you may remember my post about The Show That Should Never Be Heard. That was the live recording I made at the Roadside Tavern in Lisdoonvarna, Ireland. Most of our Ireland tour group was there that fateful night. It involved me leading everyone in song as we drank… and drank… and drank Guinness and Bulmers cider. Did I mention we drank a lot?

Well, as we drank, my performance got worse and worse, until I pretty much broke down into a frothing fool. But enough about me… I wasn't alone. 😉

Anyways, I was lamenting the idea of releasing that show. But I broke down. I finally did. I sent the show to the mailing list for everyone who was on the tour with us. It's done…

Then I did the unthinkable. I posted it on my Live MP3 Recordings page. But there's a catch… I don't want you to download it. So it is grossly overpriced. But if you, grrr, want to purchase the two hours of drunken debauchery, it's on you. You were warned!

On a happier note, I almost have an itinerary and info for the next Brobdingnagian Bards Vacation Tour of Ireland. Details will be coming soon…