The Ultimate Celtic Songs for Sci Fi Geeks

Kenzie and Gwen just came back from a walk around the neighborhood.  When they walked into the garage, my eyes flew outside to the lush green of our new home.  It makes me think of Ireland and its 40 shades of green… or of my Celtic Invasion of Italy… or next year's trip to France.

I guess my mind is just wandering the world right now instead of sitting in front of a computer working.  Alas, I've taken way too much time off recently, and I'm feeling the repercussions.  That's one of the reasons I put together a new project.

Now you may know that I create a bunch of pseudonyms for my music.  Since I love marketing, I like to create faux bands to test out certain keywords.  The first one I did was a “band” called 4 Irish Whiskey.  Later, I turned many of those tracks into an album by Irish Stout.  That eventually evolved into “Captain Black Jack” Murphy, Pirate Extraordinaire.  Those were all combined together in my album Going for Brogue.

Often, I don't even publicize these pseudonyms for a variety of reasons.  However, a few days ago, I just finished a new pseudonym that I mentioned in the latest Pub Songs Podcast, #86.  It's called Acoustic Celtic.

Acoustic Celtic is a bunch of live recordings I plan to release exclusively online.  These are not the high-quality recordings of Live at the Cactus Cafe.  These are what I call “field recordings” or “bootlegs”.  They're recorded live in not ideal settings.  They're a little rough on the edges sound-wise, but they have a great performance.

Yes, I could release these recordings under my own name.  However, I don't really want to clutter up my catalog with a bunch of bootlegs.  Plus, as I said before, these are also designed to test certain keywords.  This series was made to market to Celtic music fans.

I say that knowing full well that the first album I compiled is not just Celtic songs… It's called The Ultimate Celtic Songs for Sci Fi Geeks.

The album was recorded live in Eugene, Oregon in 2007 at a house concert.  I released the first half of this album on the Pub Songs Podcast #22 – A REAL Live Show with Marc Gunn in Eugene, Oregon.  I think it was also the first live show I released on that podcast.  It is now the first of, hopefully, many albums to be released digitally under the name Acoustic Celtic.

However, before you run off to buy this 22 song album of  Celtic geek songs at the low, low price of $7.99, I should let you know that you will get the album for free when you sponsor my next CD Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits at the Hobbit Patron of the Shire level or higher.

The Ultimate Celtic Songs for Sci Fi Geeks is a riotous collection.   Enjoy!